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Re: This ride meeting:
The usual @ Terrey Hills Top day for a ride and good to meet some new people. The pace wasn't as fast as I feared it might of been but gave me a good workout. (lucky for me I didn't scum it for 90 odd ks yesterday) Special thanks to Tien and Buck for a leg relaxing break while we waited for the ambo. Hope all is ok Tien. See you all next weekend?
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Don't worry folks, all OK. Went to check on Tien not long ago and he's in good spirits. X-rays are clear so he should have been let out shortly after I left.
I'm sure someone will tell the story better than I can. All I know is that there was a loud bang from behind and I thought, "That doesn't sound good!" Pulled up pretty quick and looked round to see Buck in the bushes to the left (right side as we were riding) and Tien lying in a heap in the centre of the trail. Ouch!
Seems he was concussed and will have some other sore parts for a few days I'm sure.