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Sydney to the gong in november

As a pom and feeling disgraced by a few mates who did the marathon this year I thought I'd give the gong run a go. I'll be running on my MTB (Giant XTC) - I'll use road tyres, but otherwise as it comes. It takes me a good bit over two hours to do two laps of the dam, so I'm not going to win it.
It's 90km, and in November apparently, here's the route:
Any takers? Any suggestions who/what to ride for?
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did the gong ride last year on my road bike and really enjoyed it. the weather was wet and there was really bad headwinds. i set a target of under 4 hours as i wasnt superfit and hadnt stopped smoking that long before altough i had been training fairly hard after the smoking. i crossed the line in 3,59,53!!!
im definately gonna do it again this year but will be riding at my own pace to try and knock at least 30 mins off that time. i would imagine bruce would be up for it as he has a secret skinny bike and lycra fetish too!!
i highly recommend it to anyone as its a good day out and a good training ride.
Rode this a few times last year as well. Gazza you'd easy take off 30 min without the headwinds we had last year.
Havent done this ride for several years now, last time I rode it two of my friends were involved in a nasty crash.
If we do this my suggestion would be start as early as possible & beat the traffic.
Now on the subject of times, would be nice to see if I can beat my old time of 2hr51min.
Can we do it as return ride as well, now that would be fun!
I know that there are a few closet lycra-wearing Roadie/MTB converts out there [cough]Ditty[cough] but is anyone keen for a bit of milage training in and around the Northen Beaches/Hornsby area?
I often do West Head, Akuna Bay, Bobbin Head or longer options being Galston Gorge, Berowra Waters/Heights and sometimes out to Calga (Peats Ridge Road Loop) and I was looking for ppl that may be interested in joining me on the 700 C's?
**cough!!** I almost choked on my drink. Um, Shaun, you have me confused with some other loser.
You can leave this road training to Bruce. I would rather walk.
Bruce, I was riding with Andrew today who was wearing a nicely trimmed pink shirt number. Lycra, very sexy, Could be just your thing. I know how you dig on the whole skin-tight thing.
I tell you what, when you guys start this race in November, I will be there to take the sorry looking photo of you guys setting out on your road race. In your lycra. Dear, oh dear.
Cmon ditty! its good training for the MTB when you are on the road
I'm up for the gong ride and will shoot for this in under three hours if the weather is okay.
By the way that shirt is retro!! (laughing)
official website is here, and its on the 4th of November this yr, 1 week before the fling. I am in with the roadie, dont know about under 3hrs (30km/h for 3 hrs sounds like a bit much) but will give it a go. I have done this ride nearly every yr and has a great atmosphere. Good event and for a good charity.
Hi guys, am more than happy to get out for a ride, was talking to Gazza about a possible ride this saturday (19/5) arvo around Akuna Bay & West Head. If your interested send me a text.
Liam you are more than welcome to come too
will keep my eyes open for a good deal on a road bike for you if you like. Any specific brands or colours? maybe a pink specialized, haha.
I would have loved to have seen your faces Liam and Rob when you were reading Bruces post!!
You must love this! I think you should join him and Gazza, what a lovely sight that would
It is already enough to have seen Bruce and Gaz in their skin tights. Just don't ask me to shave down.
Can I do it on a 750cc????
If yes I'm there!!!
struggle to keep up on this ride even with a 750
sounds ok, you can tow us up the hills
aren't you roadie lycra loving boys supposed to discuss this stuff on another site?
Northern Beaches MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDING Group is this site...
Liam I am happy to join you with a camera when they ride off looking pretty!!
its related to endurance training for our mountain biking. Thats my excuse anyway
Or you could go mountain biking on a road bike. I'm at least a little curious to see what Terrey Hills would be like with 23mm tyres
Just think of them as weak cyclocross bikes.
Pink Specialized, Ditty wanting to shave down... oh me oh my, what's going on? =;o)
Saturday arvo sounds great for West Head & Akuna Bay, but I'll confirm tomorrow evening as I'm finding out if I need a cast or not... hoping a brace will be suffice for wrist/thumb...
Hey Shaun, if you require a cast how about taking your road bike along & getting them to mould the cast to fit your handle bars?