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3 x 9 or stuff it all off?

When i bought my bike the guy before me converted it to a 2 x 9. So i was just wondering how i convert it back to a 3 x 9. He got rid of the small shimano slx chainring from the front cassette. Or is it worth just going to a single chain ring and loose all the excess weight, find an inbetween amount of teeth between the granny and middle (never use the top) I almost died riding today, did 40km without being on a saddle for 2 months i rode from st ives to the bottom of akuna bay and back up, my average pulse was 160-170!!!
Btw when going into booralie road i saw someone who looked really familiar from the forum on there cannondale dualy???
Thanks everyone.
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You should be able to put a small ring back on and with a new gear cable and some fiddling with the stop screws on the front derailleur you should be able to have it back to normal again.
was about 65km's into a 100km training ride on the hardtail. toughening my butt and legs up for the World 24hr solo's.
felt suprisingly comfy and could have kept going! 5hrs 50 ride time at average 65% heart rate.
All that training must be paying off!
oh, and it cant have been the dually!
Thought it was you... looked like a dually from far :S When i saw cannondale i was preitty sure it was you
a bit wet on some of the trails there!
to put granny back on.
Only thing is that ill have to buy another granny ring. So id ont no weather to by a granny ring or something like a widget? I think im probably better off with the widget or something along the lines of that. I never ever ever use the top sprocket, just the middle cos thats my lowest.
Should only be a half hour or less job.
Get some inner ring bolts and a granny ring. Tweak the low limit screw on your front deraileur and then adjust cable tension.
WOW! only 15 buck(s) (sorry really had to do that)
For $15.00 its defiantly worth doing especially if it saves me lots of grief on those nasty pinch climbs.
where close to st ives can i pick up the stuff. It ends up being $60.00 all up to my door from crc. For that price i should be able to get it local.
There's two on Mona Vale Rd
St Ives cycles
Pedals Plus
Or you can try looking on They do free shipping for carts over $80 so just get that and a few other little things and you get it shipped free
I usually use pedals plus but i dont think they would stock what i need, great shop, friendly and helpful staff and as for sic......ooohhhh if i can help it, i wont walk into that shop ever again and i really mean that. The service is not existant, i get more service if i buy online and i just end up walking out of the shop in a really bad mood.
Would this work?
And i also found plenty of other stuff to buy
well ive got one now, local brand new $20
Now how do i install it!!. I got the two opposing bolts of the lh crank and thats it. How do i remove the centre cap thing and take the arm off?
Race face are the easiest if you have them
Shimano slx
Usually they unscrew quite easily as there's very little torque on them to tighten them - the cap's only there to take out the end play without applying any real load.
If you have Shimano cranks there's a trick - there's a little clicker thing in the slot that fits into a small hole in the crank spindle that designed to stop the arm coming off if the bolts come loose. You'll need to flip this up out of the way to get the LH arm off the spindle.
Just have a look at the Shimano section. You need a little star shaped spanner to get the end cap off. If you don't have one I have seen a butter knife undo it just fine
It is not meant to be overly tight