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Missing Images?

Erm... has anybody noticed that sometimes images from our site don't load properly? I mean, there's a place holder on the page with a little red cross top left where you'd imagine a nice, shiny image should be?
I think there's something funny going on with some firewalls and IE6 (same firewall, FF doesn't seem to be a problem), but can't be sure.
Please comment below if you aren't seeing the site in all it's... erm... glory?
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Add a link to FF dls... problem sorted! Who uses any else?
[I can smell a poll coming =;o]
Sad but true, stats from April 2007:
MSIE 6: 23.15%
MSIE 7: 19.86%
Firefox: 13.92%
Come on people, what are you thinking, get with Firefox now:
Firefox all the way here
It's even installed on all new work laptops here at IBM!
I know we are off topic but is Firefox compatible with internet banking? without any reconfiguring? what about MSN & Yahoo?
Yes, I do all my banking, etc, with FF.
I know Y! works with it, as for MSN... blah... never go near that. Most Micro$hite things work with FF, but they like to toss it the odd curveball (non-standard stuff) once in a while to make it break.
"My browser is better than yours, 'cos it works with all my sites that I wrote specifically to break yours without telling you!"
I uploaded about 6 images yesterday and none are visible. I uploaded to the Oxford falls section and the red hill section, and both sections only seem to have 2 pages. Is that right?
i can only see about half the images,the rest like you say is a little box with a red cross,using norton at the moment which also slows everything down heaps as well
I was going to ring my anti-virus provider about this.
I thought there was some weird blocking thing going on.
I was sure it was just my machine, but I have exactly the same problem
I don't see red crosses, I just don't see the images in any pages. I think the images are there just not in any index.
For example here is an image I uploaded and told to be in the Oxford Falls gallery but it doesn't seem to appear where I put it, even though when you view it here it says it is in that gallery:
that happened to me a while ago, took a bit of delay for the pics to actually show up, originally because i didnt apply to be a content author thingo, and then i dont know why, but it got fixed in the end..just took a day or 2
just been reading the FAQ, and images and some forum posts get moderated first. No worries then, that would explain the delay.
There's a known issue with IE and certain firewalls and the keepalive. I can turn keepalive off, but that will mean that the site (and other browsers) are not operating in as efficient manner as they can. Good ol' IE - spoiling it for everyone else. Here, get firefox:
Edit: Hmmm... just for some experimentation I have turned keepalive off, does this help any?
Then, there's the moderation thingo. Yes, sorry, I've been away for a couple of days and not looking - they are all published now. That waterfall one is class!
and was told it was just cause everyone was looking at it with the site being so popular, or something like that.
Pleased I'm nbot the onlt one. It was only one or two pics when I first noticed it but it is becoming more widespread.
Oh, Stuey... there's so much, how does one take it all in!
LOL - OK, sorry if you mentioned this and I've missed it. See the last post - have turned keepalive off, please complain some more if the problem persists.