Scott 24 2010

My brother qualified for the solo worlds in February and suggested we enter a team in the Scott to keep us busy while supporting him in the pits. By the time the entries opened there were a few people putting up their hand to come down so we entered a mixed team of 6.
First time at Stromlo for me, most of the other team except Cathy, my wife had done past Scotts or been there before so we settled on me doing the opening lap.
Enjoyed the mass start and didn't have any trouble finding the bike. When I got back the feedback was unanimous that my run was good, I guess that's better than sucking at both riding and running. Don't remember much of the first lap, when the track was clear spent most of the time in the middle ring and bumped the guy in front about as many times as the guy behind hit me when it wasn't, gotta love those single track traffic jams. I had used my old commuting shoes as they are flexible and much easier to run in. Guess the wear in the 12 year old spd fittings on the shoes was enough to mean they kept pulling out of the clips. Made for some interesting moments as I was never sure if they were in, out or about to come out and it felt like there was a lot more of the second two.
The rest of the race went pretty smoothly for our team with only a couple of punctures and some minor falls. It was Cathy's first race and she came back with a few scratches and bruises from the rock gardens and switchbacks. Wasn't game to tell her to HTFU so we stayed positive and commended her on a solid 1:36.
Started to get a bit complicated in the afternoon remembering the time we expected the riders to arrive when I was swapping between the solo pits and our pits so after my double stint at night I had a shower around midnight and stayed in the solo pits until and the finish. Nothing like starting a 12 hour shift with a few hours riding under your belt so I was into the coke and food trying to stay awake during the night.
One thing about the night laps was that I could see the rock gardens this time. Maybe it was going back to a hardtail after a month on a dual suspension bike but by the second lap I was starting to hate rock gardens and was convinced I had seen more on each lap than I had previously ridden over in the past 10 years of riding fire trails. Anyway I did start to feel sorry for my wife as I don't think she had seen a rock garden before so I will suggest that she practices a bit more before her next race at Stromlo.
The rest of the race went well for our team, only 2 punctures, a couple of minor falls and one messed up transition. Everyone had fun though and were not concerned when we ran out of riders in the morning.
Many thanks to Andre and Lincoln for joining us for the event and running the team when the rest of us were occupied elsewhere.
Still not sure I like all those rocks at Stromlo, guess I will have to go back at some stage on a dually. Anyway John ended up running in the top ten all race and finished up 7th out of the 60+ field entered for the 40-44 solo's. An excellent result as he hadn't done more than 14 hours riding in his previous 2 attempts at 24hr races so to ride for 23 hours mainly on a bike he first rode on the Monday of that week was sensational. Guess his Anthem 29er is run in now.
"suggested we enter a team in the Scott to keep us busy while supporting him"
LOL... you always think that even in a 6 man team there will be lots of hanging around, but seriously... I never get bored and never seem to have a moment just to relax at these things. Riding and supporting - you must have been very busy - well done!
I know that now, but then i had no idea it was a bad idea. I just assumed he knew what he was doing, now I know there was a lot of talent (from the rider) and a little bit of luck involved and the support crew just need to make sure they don't make any mistakes. Guess he was just reluctant to ask people to come down just to pit crew.
Also didn't think we would run out of riders with a team of six but we did.
Only frustrating moment was trying to convert a 29er wheel with a bontrager tubeless conversion back to a tube. Those plastic things are tough to get off the rim. The rest of the time the bikes were great. Still not sure it was a great plan to take two bikes to a 24hr race that he had only got hold of in the past two weeks but with the Anther 29er recall there weren't many options, imho an 07 Trance X1 just doesn't cut it at the worlds.
Well done on the effort - both in supporting your brother to such a good placing and on having a go yourself. You must have been going like a one-armed paperhanger.
Re: the Bontrager rim strips, couldn't you just remove the valve and stick the tube in?
I've got those rim strips in my cheapie wheelset and the hole looks Presta-sized... or do I have that mixed up?
i was just following instructions so don't really know if it was necessary. I would like to take some credit for my brothers result but other than lending him my bike I didn't have that much influence over the result.
This bontrager strip had a funny pattern in the raised section around the hole for the valve stem. Also it went right up to the lip of the rim as they are designed for the tubless tyre to seal against the rimstrip, not the rim. This means that you cant get anything under the plastic to leaver it out from the top.
I ended up using a screwdriver through the valve hole to carefully push it out enough so I could get something underneath it from the top. Anyway it kept me busy for a lap.
btw the leak was through the tread of the tyre. I guess they didn't put enough volume of sealant in as it had all dried around the tyre and there was no liquid left at all. The conversion kit only went in a week before so it really should have lasted longer.
That's a bit unusual - I topped mine up for teh Parkes race but needn't have bothered. There was plenty of fluid left from last time I topped up 3 months earlier. I use Stan's.
Not sure what they used although being queensanders it could have been anything from stans or 4X or some blend of bundaberg rum.
I spoke to my brother today and he did say that he felt the sealant leaking onto his legs after hitting the rock so I guess it all leaked out and he was lucky it actually sealed up before he stopped to top it up with a canister. I am pretty sure he did at least 4 laps between the first problem and when it went really flat.