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2011 Tracks and Trails Conference @ Sydney Olympic Park

Chuck gave me a heads up about this, and just so we don't end up forgetting about it put it up here. I've put it in the calendar too. Big question will be just how much will it cost?!?!?
Trails Australia is pleased to announce the dates for the 2011 National Tracks and Trails Conference;
Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 April 2011, Novotel, Sydney Olympic Park.
Following on from the 2008 Noosa Conference, the 2011 event will again drive the national agenda in the multi-billion dollar trails sector.
Accordingly, the overarching theme for this important conference will be 'THE BUSINESS OF TRAILS'.
Delegates will share in comprehensive opportunities for in-room as well as field based workshops and practicums which will showcase national and international best practice in the trails sector.
Who should attend? If you are involved in any of the following professional or community areas, you are strongly encouraged to attend;
• Managers and staff of state and national outdoor sporting and recreational organisations
• Local and state government recreation planners and recreation officers
• Recreation/Trails Planning Consultants
• Natural Resource Managers and Land Managers
• Federal, State and Local Government professionals associated with Policy development in the areas of transport, health, recreation, sport, tourism, sustainability, environment etc
• Commercial providers of trail-related activities
• Academics and researchers
• Outdoor recreation providers
• Retailers/suppliers of products used in the construction of trails
• Trail care groups
• Regional tourism organisations
• Regional economic development authorities
• Tourism operators
• Local Government councillors
• Community champions and groups
A range of national and international speakers, leaders in their field, will address delegates over four thematic streams;
- Engagement
- Ownership
- Stewardship
- Volunteers
- Product and destination development
- Marketing/Events/Risk management
- Land management
- Policy development
- Trail and signage standards - local and national
- Sustainable trail design
- Trail monitoring - evidenced based
- Insurance
- Commercial partnerships
- Government grants and program funding
- Volunteer development and retention
- Evaluation - the SEE Principle (social/environmental/economic)
To register your interest in attending or presenting and to find out more information, the Conference Website can be found at
[Mod. moved to NSW Trail Advocacy]
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