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Western Sydney Parklands

The Western Sydney Parklands Draft POM is available for comment now:
Specifically includes investigating a mountain bike course in the Abbotsbury (from memory) area, more generally speaks of creating a regional active recreation hub in the parklands including possible new mountain biking facilities and a few of the precinct specific sections (other than Abbotsbury) seem pretty open to me from a mtn bikers perspective. Anyway this is probably not the right thread for it!
oh yeh.... hi all, first post after lurking for a while.
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talking about the old mtb track that was used in the Olympics ??
Nah no mention of that, just a general "we will investigate a mountain bike course for this area".
If enough people comment and ask for the track to be made rideable again it would give the WSRP Trust something to consider.
I had problems with the above URL and trying to download the Draft POM, contacted them via email with the links and errors and they responded with:
Ahh I had problems at work and could not figure out why. Did not even see the staging bit at the start of the url.
Oh well ChopStirs url seems to be good.
I'm a local out that way so will definitely putting in a submission with my support for some mountain bike tracks in Abbotsbury and elsewhere in the Parklands.
That POM covers a huge area.
Hi all,
WSMTB has been talking to WSP about MTB for some time - we attended the earlier planning forums, and made a written submission.
I'm in the process of drafting a further submission in reply. In brief, they are moving slowly in the right direction - but the draft PoM is more a framework than a plan. It does not get very specific at all. It does mention "investigating" an MTB track in Precinct 10 (Abbotsbury) - which includes the previous Olympic equestrian and MTB areas.
However, at another area with loads of MTB potential (Precinct 14 Cecil Park, ie between the Shooting Centre, Elizabeth Drive, and the M7), all it can mention is "Walking, cycling and bridle trails. Sports and active recreation".
They recognise that 46% of their local population is under 24 years of age (27% under 11 years). Therefore I would have thought that active recreation for health and fitness would be really important. But in their Objective 4 of Culture & Partcipation (p35), which is to "Encourage young people to use the Parklands" - they get all warm and fuzzy in how they propose to do this, ie:
- develop educational programs and activities.......
- use new technologies including communications.... to engage with young people
- create nature-based spaces that encourage play and creativity.
Our original submission proposed a layered approach, ie
- small bike parks in most precincts. Easily accessible by local kids.
- mtb single trails in most precincts - for fitness and fun
- a small number of mtb event areas, ie at Cecil Park and maybe Abbotsbury.
That's how to get kids using the Park!
I'll let people know when we have made comments on the PoM and seek support form all MTB riders.
Ray Rice
[email protected]
I'm all for it , that way I will have a mountainbike track that I can ride too & enjoy with my son when he is older keep us updated on the progress .
Have you noticed how ther icon for "Recreation and Parkland Infrastructure" is a bike.
Also, there is still residence in areas like around Horsley Park and Chandos St. Plus the Rubbish Dump next to the Dragway takes up a large area within the parkland also. Funny that.
take a leaf out of the nations capital trails , Sparrow Hill is almost closed for logging so The Mont next year is moving to a new venue just like that , apparently the corcc guys are racing there this weekend ?