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Draft Warringah Regional Multiple-Use Trails Strategy

For some time numerous people from Manly Warringah MTB, Terracare and some of the local shops have been working with Warringah Council on their Warringah Regional Multiple-use Trail Strategy. It doesn't offer too much in the way of new trails but it does present a structure to legitimising the use of some tracks that are currently used and acknowledges the growing need for mountain bike facilities with in the northern beaches region.
Shown here is an overview map of the proposed network.
The document itself is here (large file 2.9Mb):
And the photos refered to it are here:
Attachment 2 - Photographic Record of Tracks
Theses links are from the top article on Warringah Council - For Public Comment.
Apparently these are also on display at Terrey Hills library.
Written comment can be made to Warringah Council up until Monday May 28th.
Please show your support by emailing [email protected] using the subject, "Draft Warringah Regional Multiple-Use Trails Strategy" and marking the first line, "Attention: Ian Armstrong". The below link should do all this for you:
- Login to post comments
Thanks Alchemist.
Thank you for directing us to this. Everyone should read it and send in their comments / suggestions for improving our trails.
I particularly liked the part where we are called "Challenging Off-Road Bike Touring" users. I was hoping for something with the word "hardcore" in it. I was never good enough at anything else to be hardcore, so it's as close as I'll get. But 'Challenging' will have to do.
I sent in my 2c worth. Hope this will help get some improvements for our sport.
Do you think the Warringah Council will spring for the DH chairlift idea I have for the Drop Zone at Red Hill? Possibly not. But we can tuck that one away in the wish list then.
I'm pretty impressed by this doc. It seems to be really well thought out (though I haven't ridden many of those trails yet) and inclusive of all user types which is important as I am bush walker as much as MTB rider (like many others I'm sure).
I for one am very glad to see a council actually trying to include MTB riders in planning, and to conserve our wild places without mindlessly locking them up for nobody to enjoy.
Will be interested to hear how this progresses!
05 Demo 9
10 days to get your submissions in. If you've got time to read this, you've got time to hit that email link and have your voice heard.
I know quite a few of you have already made you comments to Warringah Council - thanks very much for your support. If you haven't yet got around to having making any comment we have prepared an example for you to use and modify as you chose.
A few notes for respondents:
Postal Address is:
General Manager
Warringah Council,
725 Pittwater Road
Dee Why NSW 2099
Otherwise email submissions can be sent here: [email protected]
Manly Warringah Mountain Bike Club