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End day 1 20 March 07

Exposed-105's picture

By Exposed-105 - Posted on 20 May 2007

Ok not a bad day. Nice warm sunny weather....but no ride.

2 x 10 push ups Didn't know I could do that, maybe things aren't that bad.
3 x 15 sit ups Oh shit yes they are
20 mins on the trainer
1/2 hr yoga First time I've pulled out that particular tape in a long while. Forgot how good breathing properly is

Wasn't sure about this but I guess if I'm going to do this properly then I need to be completely open,
Coffee, small bowl plus muesli flakes, slice of raison toast...yes with butter.
Meat loaf sandwich. last of the leftovers
Pork stir fry, lots of vegies and some rice noodles

Kiwi Fruit, couple of choc chip cookies.

OK so my intake needs some work. Gotta loose the coffee, consuming way too much sugar this way. Lunch needs to improve as well. The biscuits need to go, replace with more fruit or veg. The real break through here was I had nothing after dinner, no icecream followed by coffee and chocolate or whatever I found in the cupboard. Thats a huge first step. I'm told it takes 2 months for new behaviours to become habit, 59 days to go.

Need more work on the cravings too, after lunch has always been a downfall for me.

Bye for now.

Rob's picture

Dude... not that my diet is anything to go on, but you said you wanted comments... Although, that said I'm eating banana + Berocca (we're out of fresh juice) for breakie.

Personally, I love the taste of butter. And it's all natural too, so why not? Trouble is, here in Aus you have to keep it in the fridge (in the UK, one could just leave it in a cupboard, 'cos it's never too hot to trouble you) so for this reason alone I don't bother with butter any more (no-one likes trying to spread concrete on delicate bread or crackers). Now I'm on spreads made from olive oil. Nice enough and sure there's some benefit in it... somewhere... maybe.

What milk you on? Something semi-skimmed at least (<1.5% fat) I'd hope. Oh, and what 'flakes'? I take if you have noticed most of the things in the breakfast isle these days are just full of sugar? Don't kid yourself it's healthy unless you read the label.

On the Meat Loaf side of things... yerch! Isn't it, like, 50% fat!? Stay away! Get some nice, lean meat from a proper deli instead. This is harder said than done in these times, I'm considering resorting to ripping roast chucks up to get something decent to put in sarnies.

Exposed-105's picture

At the rsk of sounding like making excuses, I'm trying to stop that, I'm a damn good cook and it was left overs from Friday night. Yes meatloaf is high in fat although I tend to use a mix of lean minces and pour off the liquid fat as it cooks. Don't fret it won't be on the menu again for a long time.

Milk, yeah I'm using "lite" 1.2% total fat. Will cut down to "skim" in the next week or so, trying to get use to the flavour of this first.

Butter, actually spreadable butter but that has now changed (as off yesterday) to that logical stuff in the assumption my cholesterol needs to be addressed.

Cereal. Usually mix this up. Yesterday was Uncle Toby's Plus Muesli Flakes 1% fat and 10gm sugar per serve of. Today was Sultana Bran <1% fat and again about 10gm of sugar. My prob in the past was that I would then normally put honey on both of these, sorry I have an incredibly sweet tooth. Needless to say this practice has now stopped. tomorrow will be weetbix

Thanks for the feedback. Happy for all comments as I don't know everything and am interested in other peoples thoughts, particularly those with more knowledge on the nutrition side of things.

kurt's picture

i have given up instant coffee
now i make the effort to get up and go to the shop if i want one
and yes i have skim milk and have taken two one sugar instead of two
at least that way im mind bending myself into thinking ive cut my sugar intake in half


Carlgroover's picture

For years I tried get used to 1 sugar but always preferred 2, then my wife convinced me to try no sugar for 2 weeks, tough at first and I didn't believe I would ever like it. But sure enough after 2 weeks, sugar in coffee was, and still is horrible, if someone puts sugar in a coffee for me I'd rather not drink it. Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

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