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Cracked 1hr

Brian's picture

By Brian - Posted on 24 December 2010

24 Dec 10

If giving way to a wallaby, a goanna, 2 horses on the way out and then on the way back a horse, goanna, wallaby and a family pushing a baby in a pram a clear run then I had a clear run Smiling.

Anyway, this is my first mtb ride averaging 20km/h plus so I'm pretty happy with that.

Lap 2 on the profile and my average speed was 21.5km/h, avg HR 175bpm and max HR 189bpm

Hop fiend's picture

Santa brings my Garmin GPS unit-Edge500 after having a quick look at your stats-will give it a spin at Glenrock x-mas morning & try to put details up for your boxing day ride.PS-weather is looking good here at the moment

Sinkes's picture

By the sounds of it ......that's as good as its gets to a clear run. Keep it going.

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