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160mm rear brake adaptor needed

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Hi peeps
Firstly, are all rear brake converters the same
As in will a 160mm Shimano brake converter fit an avid brake set up?
Anyhoo, I need an Avid compatible 160mm rear brake converter
Is anyone able to help me out
We're talking to buy of course
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Heya mate,
I've got a whole bag of brake adapters at home, and I'm pretty sure I've got a Rear IS 160mm. I gather you're reducing the rear rotor on your stumpy down to 160mm?
Let me know and I'll try and get it to you on Saturday!
yeah mate
Got myself a 160mm Hope floating rotor as suggested by your good self
And in a lovely blue anodised colour - love it
I forgot to weight it, but it felt like there was no weight to it at all
And luckily I swapped out the dinner plate 203mm on the front with Gilbo's 180mm from his Norco
I read that a 203mm rotor with a XC fork is a no no - can twist and ruin the forks apparently
Don't know what they were thinking when they put that on
Anyhoo, I have an adaptor that I'm using from my old bike for the moment for the 160mm
But I need another for when I sell it anyway (and it's a bit old and crappo looking)
Let me know if you'll be up at Scribbs anytime or if I can pick it up - no huge hurry
I'm pretty much a certainty for Sunday anytime, but not sure if I can make it up there Saturday
We're heading down to Sydney
I can't take it for free from you mate, so think up a suitable price/ trade
Mate just check with the fork manufacturer because some forks can take a 203mm rotor without the need for a thru axle. Well according to one of the letters I read the other night in an issue of AMB.
I reckon you'll be fine with the 203mm rotor if you want it. Plenty of forks are stiff enough these days to handle it. Maybe in the older days of 28mm stanchions (think old SID) they would have been a problem, but I doubt your Fox will have a problem with them! In fact, a quick look on their site confirms my thoughts
I'm heading up to Ourimbah early tomorrow, and should be back home early/mid afternoon, so tomorrow probably isn't the best day. That said, you could always stop through on your way back home if you're coming back from town tomorrow arvo. Gimme a call when you're on your way back and I can let you know if I'm there or not!
Sunday I should be good any time, but I dunno if I'll be riding, as I think I have to get cracking on some garden & house work.
But I've canned the dinner plate anyway
180/ 160 combo much more suited for me
I'll definitely take that off your hands Gub
You keen for a scribble on Wednesday - Aust day
I'm sure we'll catch up for a ride sometime soon
I reckon I could be up for a early Oz day scribble. I think very early though, given that the weather is supposed to do something stupid like hit 33 degrees up there! (Don't worry, you'll be better off than the supposed 37 we'll get in the lower mtns).
Hopefully I'll even manage to get Jo out as well!
What about 8-8.30am
It takes a while to heat up here
I might post this up as a ride
Watcha reckon
Post it.... I may or may not be able to go... I may be roped into a fundraising BBQ... argh!
8 or 8:30 sounds like a plan. Yeah, post it up Andy!