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Knapsack, In and around

ChopStiR's picture

By ChopStiR - Posted on 28 January 2011

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Sunday, 13 February, 2011 - 08:00
2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Knapsack Reserve
Meeting Point: 

North Gate, Barnet St
I plan to get there a little early and do a spider web sweep on a short section of trail b4 we ride it.
Parking is available either side of the gate on Barnet St, Parking is also available at the Skate park and Glanbrook Shops. This meeting spot is next to a residential area so volume will need to be kept minimal.


This social ride is an open invite so out of towners are welcome.

Ride is as discussed. Approx 15kms taking around 2hrs depending on Chat and regrouping time.

Im limiting the group size to 10 to keep regrouping at a minimal.

If we are feeling well and have time when we are next to the RAAF base. We can add an extension of riding.

Who's in?
naz, brakeburner, Chuck, craked, Ian_A, Kingy, stracho, DigDig, Led_Blind (9 riders)
naz brakeburner Chuck craked Ian_A Kingy stracho DigDig Led_Blind
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Kingy's picture

should be a fun ride

herzog's picture

Keen to do it again. I'm in.

Chuck's picture

"Enjoyed last time"

Can you remember the bits you liked though? Smiling

stracho's picture

Hi Tim,
Had a great time riding and meeting you guys when i rode Winmallee and GSH with you a few months back. Been off the the bike for a while due to some health issues so I'm keen to catch up again and be shown around Knapsack.


ChopStiR's picture

Sorry guys, I will be participating in The Parra Pedal for the Amy Gillett Foundation. I'm going to have to either cancel my attendence and you guys go on with out me or we postpone the ride for a week or fortnight.

Chuck's picture

I'll still be going anyway.

CROMERBOY's picture

Love to join, never ridden there

craked's picture

bummer you can't make it Tim ,but if Chucks Gunna lead us around I will be there.

Kingy's picture

I was thinking about the local knowledge heading and I had this epiphany regarding Knapsack.

I realised it is impossible to get lost in their if you follow one simple rule, that being if you are descending for more than about 30 seconds before you hit a climb or a fireroad then you are going the wrong way.

Basically the Knapsack reserve really only consists of 3 ridges the two major ones have look outs and the lesser one tapers down to the back of the RAAF base.

So providing you follow this simple rule you will inveitably manage to stay with in the boundarys of the trail network.

That's my advice to anyone heading out for a ride, unfortunately because of my crappy memory I don't make a very good tour guide.

My typical ride at Knapsack if I start at Barnett St from the car park consists of go out on the fireroad and hit the the first negotiable entry point I can see off to my right invariably sometimes I am going to miss it in which case I will try for the next one, I then roost down the trails at a pace then when ever I approach a climb or turn I randomly dive off left or right and then do the same to the next turn or climb and this is pretty much how it goes for the next 1 and half 2 hours or until I run out of water or break something.

craked's picture

weather prediction looks good for this weekend ,will be a fun ride and good to catch up with a few lads see you up there. Smiling

naz's picture

yeah!! will be a fun ride and good to catch up with a few lads too!!

Ian_A's picture

Which gate are we meeting at? the 1st one at the bottom of the hill or the one on Lovers Walk?

DigDig's picture

be good to ride it after last saturday.

ChopStiR's picture

Was ment for the lovers walk gate at the top of the hill.

Chuck's picture

I'll swing past Glenbrook Park across from the shops at 7:50 if anyone wants to park there.

brakeburner's picture

i'll be at the carpark by the shops, ready to go at 7.50 as i don't know the other meeting points (only been there in the dark). be good to catch up, looking forward to this one!!

ChopStiR's picture

Can someone post up a post ride data recording. i.e. Garmin, runkeeper, recordmyride, etc...

Led_Blind's picture

Looking for more interesting rides than available near epping, any room for another starter?

herzog's picture

Chopstir, this is my GPS from the Ride led by Andre and Chuck a couple weeks back

Chuck's picture

See you at the park Daniel.

@Led_Blind Feel free to come along!!

ChopStiR's picture

Cheers herzog,

I dont think chuck will take you to some of the places I had intended.
I would still like to see what you do on this ride.

Im thinking I will start up another planned ride for the near future.
Maybe Sunday the 27th or 6th


Ian_A's picture

I'm going to be the first to say if it keeps raining I'm out.
We've had constant light to moderate rain since 10:00am up here and I imagine Glenbrook is much the same. Kind of goes against the BMORC ethos if we tear it up tomorrow.
We'll see what happens.

Chuck's picture

We had drizzle this morning and light rain for the last hour. Will call it in the morning. Knapsack doesn't suffer to badly and only needs a few hours to drain.

BM Epic's picture

4.45pm and it is belting down at winmalee, lucky we hit it up yesterday Ian, not good at the moment!

Kingy's picture

if it stops now 5:30pm it might be ok but if my weather rock in the morning is saturated then no go anyone looking for clarificatiion on weather its on or not text me i will be up at 6 am and leaving fingers crossed at 630 Smiling

Chuck's picture

Rain means go for a run instead!!!!

craked's picture

Kingy we will need a number to text you on to find out whats happening

CROMERBOY's picture

I don't want to trash the trail, so I am gonna give it a miss.
Hopefully catch up with you guys soon. Steve

brakeburner's picture

is this ride still on?

Chuck's picture

Weather wise it's okay, there are patches of blue sky. The road is mostly dry and that's a start. We could always go for a spin up Bennetts if it's to wet at Knapsack.

Chuck's picture

Good fun today guys! The track was in great shape, nice and firm after the rain. I went back and "tried" Adam's quarry line, it's a better line and I'll adopt it from now on (and make it to the top real soon Smiling ).

Also saw a Dead Parroton Barnet Street while riding home.

craked's picture

yeah was a top ride ,tracks had just the right amount of moisture ,thanks to all who were there for a great morning and thanks to Kingy for taking Dan and I on the downhill track to the bridge on the old Hwy,and I hope you found your sunnys.
cheers Craig

Kingy's picture

But I think you ran over em lol, their fine two micro grazes and not in the main lens just a litlte near the nose bit good as they werre in the last bit of sniggle before we hit the old highway amazing!

brakeburner's picture

glad to hear you found your sunnies kingy. great tour today!

Kingy's picture

Me you craked and Adam on tour de force Lower mountains soon Eye-wink

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