You are hereNew Hot Laps System

New Hot Laps System

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 01 June 2007

There's been a bit of chest beating lately... people have been throwing a few times for Hot Laps at the poor, overworked admin to update. So... bugger that, it's now all automatic.

First off - content authors can now create a Hot Lap Challenge. Goes into the moderation queue as usual, but then other riders can chalk up their times. Have copied the old ones, and am sure a few new goodies can be thought of.

Riders can then enter their times as their own Hot Lap. There it goes, straight on the board with no waiting. Now, be honest - everyone can comment on your time so expect a few digs!

Sounds like this could be fun Eye-wink

unicycle6869's picture

Just wondering how I create or request a new Hot Lap Challenge? I don't know how many people here ride single speed, fixed or a unicycle but I'd love to see a new Hot Lap Challenge for Manly Dam on a SS/Fixed/Unicycle. As I just can't compete with bikes that have gears and can coast. Let me know what I need to do. Thanks!

nrthrnben's picture

buy a mountain bike,

just kidn,sorry couldn't resist:)

unicycle6869's picture

I don't need a training wheel!

Also, j/k. Eye-wink but like you couldn't resist!

PIVOT MACH 5's picture

That makes you both noobs Sticking out tongue ( kidding, also couldn't resist the running banter)

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