You are hereCalendar / Six Foot Track to Cox's River Return
Six Foot Track to Cox's River Return

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Sunday, 27 February, 2011 - 09:00 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
3 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry:
Six Foot Track Meeting Point:
Corner of the Six Foot Track and Megalong Road. Either drive here, or take the train to Blackheath and ride down Megalong Road to the start (15.5km from the train station).
I still haven't done this ride after years of living in the mountains. Apparently it's got some fast signle track, bushland and farmland - so a nice variety.
I can transport one rider from Katoomba or back up if required.
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This is one of those do it once and do it years later, climbing the gates is a pain and all those steps arghhhh!..then the walking on the way back, but its an awesome ride!
Did you wind up doing this
what did you think
Yeah I did, but wish I hadn't. Had a nasty stack on the decent to the Cox's. Front wheel jammed on a bouldery decent and I got thrown over the handlebars and landed face first into the next boulder. The bike is ok, but I have a few scars on my noggin to show for it. I was mildly concussed and had to walk quite a bit of the track back to the car.
I have been recovering well, and should be ready to ride again in a week or so.
Apart from that I don't think this track really qualifies as a ride at present. Having to lift your bike over so many "stiles" (steps over fences) really breaks the flow, and additionally many parts of the track are in such bad condition with fallen trees and erosion that they are unrideable. The overall impact is very stop-start.
Doesn't sound like much fun 8-(
Glad you're OK - sounds like it could have been a lot worse
I'll put this one on the to miss list
Let me know when you're up for a more sedate ride
Were you on your own when this happened?
Yes I was, which made the whole ordeal a lot more difficult. I had my bases covered in a number of ways, but had I passed out this could have been much worse. So I'm feeling quite lucky really.
I still have nightmares from the Six Foot Track assault a few years ago. Started at Jenolan caves after a big night on the red at the restaurant there and on a 35 degree day with a 70k ride planned in a group. Started with a 3km push up the walking track - really don't recommend it.
Track was very sketchy, cramp set in after 30km, most agonising 10 hours of my life.