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Unicycles rock!

This is the guy who rides the Nth Shore of Vancouver on a unicycle....he has also ridden sections of the great wall of china and believe it or not he has his own signature model unicycle
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LOL... that Into the Thunder Dragon trailer is mad. Downhill on one wheel, one foot on the seat, the other on the tire as a brake, the fixed cranks flying round like ninja weapons. Mental!
that hiked to the top of some mountain and then came down it on their unicycle. There was no track or road of any description and the top half was covered in rocks the size of footballs. Totally insane.
I have enough trouble on small hills with 2 wheels
Yeah that guy is nuts, he has a pretty good section on the first New World Disorder vid from '00 or '01 . (1st post!) Canberra this weekend.
Lets see who can ride it the longest?