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A Hill in Spain - New Chris Akrigg film

philberesford's picture

By philberesford - Posted on 04 March 2011

Sinkes's picture

if only i could do half those stunts.
Nice video.

woftt's picture

Love the village riding bit and the finalie......he looks like he may have gone to the beach bar to cool down.

Dicko's picture

Awesome clip !!

Logan's picture

Loved all of the early stuff and then the village stuff as well.

Reminded me of when I was in French Alps in Les Arcs and we were doing some of that, on Xmas day back in Bristol we used to urban downhill (not to that level though lol) for the morning from Clifton to the centre of town as it was downhill all the way down with some nice steps to ride down, which any other day of the year you couldnt ride cause it would get to busy. Doubt there is anyway in Sydney we could do that.

LadyToast's picture

Pretty average Sticking out tongue

Logan's picture

Dylan do all of that and more when he has been out riding... Laughing out loud

philberesford's picture

Around The Rocks or Woolloomooloo perhaps?

Fatboy's picture

He makes it look far too easy!

Logan's picture

In Particular down in Woolloomooloo

You could have a fairly decent run down from North Sydney I reckon into the rocks and then uphill and back down into Woolloomooloo. However there arnt any really tight alleys that I can think off...

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