Burnt out cars

T's picture

By T - Posted on 15 March 2011

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

Not only have we got to deal with motos in glenrock but it seems the hoons are getting in with cars.

Came across 2 burnt out cars on the management trail above the lagoon this morning.

Not sure if parks know about them to get removed.

[Mod. moved to Newcastle & Hunter]

Hop fiend's picture

maybe we can see if NPWS can place a 3metre high razor wired toppped steel fence around Glenrock to keep these idiots out!-the type that is being used on the new part of Cessnock Correctional Centre.

browny's picture

Assume someone left a gate open somewhere?

In the right context I reckon a bit of 'urban junk' could make some interesting trail features.

Empy's picture

Same thing, are Hyundais easy to steal?

I hope the Police are doing something this time.

......'s picture

it's not a national park without a burnt out care or 2. Oh, and a few "hidden crops"

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