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POSTPONED 2011 Tracks and Trails Conference

I know this may be old news, but I thought I would post it up
REMINDER: 2011 National Tracks and Trails Conference Postponement Announcement
IMBA Workshop Proceeding...(more info below)
Dear Trails Advocate,
You have previously expressed an interest in gaining more information on the 2011 Tracks and Trails Conference. To those who have not registered at this stage it is with regret that the decision has been made to postpone the 2011 Tracks and Trails Conference.
The continuing impact of the recent extreme weather conditions and subsequent destruction of significant infrastructure across Queensland and Victoria has meant that the many communities that had expressed an interest to be a part of the Conference, are simply no longer in a position to attend.
After much discussion with a number of partners and stakeholders around the country, it was agreed that the most appropriate course of action was to defer the conference to later in the year, thereby allowing the best possible engagement from key stakeholders and partners.
Accordingly, the new dates for the 2011 Tracks and Trails Conference will be Wednesday 31 August to Friday 2 September and the venue will remain as the Novotel Sydney Olympic Park.
We hope that you will be available in this new period and will continue to have an interest in attending the conference in Sydney. Development of the program content and themes has been an exciting time for us and we have been pleased with the achievements and the encouraging feedback from stakeholders - particularly the work that has been done to date on the national Greenways Declaration. These are important outcomes for us all and we encourage you to continue to be involved.
For any enquiries or correspondence regarding this postponement, please email me at [email protected] or call me directly on my mobile 0409 950 884.
Once again, this has been a difficult decision for us and one that is most regrettable. We want to ensure that you will continue to engage in the process and lead up to the revised conference timetable and look forward to seeing you then.
The four day International Mountain Bicycling Association Trails Workshop scheduled for April 16 - 19 will be held. For more information check out the Conference Highlights area on the Home Page
Register NOW for these inspiring and educational workshops with IMBA's Tony Boone.
Read more about the workshop HERE.
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