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Outdoor Recreation Party

The election is nearly upon us, check out the Outdoor Recreation Party website and the Mountain Bike Submission.pdf(right click to 'save as')
NSW State Election 2011
The Outdoor Recreation Party is standing candidates for the Legislative Assembly (lower house) as well as the Legislative Council.
The Party aims to regain its seat in the NSW Legislative Council (upper house), which it held between 1999 and 2007.
Legislative Assembly Candidates
1. Joaquim de Lima (Penrith)
2. Austen Tayshus (aka Alexander Gutman) (Ku-ring-gai)
3. Clinton Mead (Wollondilly)Legislative Council Candidates
1. David Leyonhjelm
2. Peter Whelan
3. Martin Walsh
4. Fay Destry
5. Ian Best
6. James Whelan
7. Jennifer Rose
8. John Phibbs
9. Robert Hennessy
10. Angelique Pettett
11. Virginia Kruse
12. Lucy Gabb
13. Jason Kent
14. Graham Nickols
15. Robert Dolphin
16. Janos Beregsaszi
Below is the Penrith Boundary which includes Glenbrook, Lapstone and Knapsack Reserve.
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Despite their "support" of mountain biking, I still wouldn't have anything to do with this group.
Austen Tayshus to become a pollie?-could not be worse than some of the quality we now have!
Really, how much can a koala bear?
Couple of Queens landed at the party, and said you reek a stockade!
Yeah, I'm with Mr Hornet.
We'd all like better access to public land, but not at the expense of some more dubious policies.
Have a look at everything certain political parties have to say and choose wisely.
Rob, I think i have ridden with you, around manly dam and knapsack with Alex Wagner and Evo and Gav and Vaneena!
Thanks for the info Tim. I was curious to hear any feedback on this group.
@Todd. I think I rode with you once too!!
Yeah can't say I go for a bunch like this either. I also don't want to get single policy parties into government.
I think I am much more on the side of the conservationists than I am to these groups.
The Problem I always have is I cant agree with any of the parties. Labour, Liberal or what ever may have a policy I like but then they have a policy I dislike every party is 50/50 or worse. This party is very contraversal and also 50/50 with thier policies, but I also dont see them being possible either so I can rule those policies out. My idea of thinking is it would be good to have a member of this party to challange other parties policies like the Greens. The one thing I have in common with them is Im not a Greens party person. Like the ORP say, "Smart Green not extreme Green" and Ive always been a believer of that for a very long time.
I still dont know who to vote for, but i'd rather put some thought in over a donkey.
I believe A. Tayshus ran on behalf of the Sex Party at the recent federal election.
The kind of upport we'd do very much better without. I think we're just another platform on which to run their anti-regulation agenda, which I think is their real underlying "single issue" as a party.
Not helpful to our credibility.
"The ORP had its roots in the New South Wales 4WD movement."
"In 1996 Glenn Druery was instrumental in the formation of the Outdoor Recreation Party, a group Malcolm Jones would later commandeer"
"Jones was the only person the (Outdoor Recreation) party managed to put into public office, he was elected to the New South Wales Legislative Council in March 1999 due to a Druery’s complex preference harvesting system despite receiving only 0.2% of the primary vote. Malcolm Jones resigned in 2003 amidst a corruption scandal and an ICAC inquiry into his conduct..."
"In late 2009, the Liberal Democratic Party in NSW merged with the Outdoor Recreation Party (ORP) to run in the next NSW state election, in March 2011."
source: Wikipedia
update: the Liberal Democratic Party claims to be Australia's "Libertarian" political party.
gratuitous comment: presumably Austen Tayshus (formerly of the Sex Party, now running with the Outdoor Recreation Party) would support a platform of (hopefully subsidised!) sex in National Parks as an outdoor recreation
Let me think about it for a nano second...the Greens or a party like the ORP?
ORP wins hands down!
Generally not giving a toss about politics, whats wrong with this party? apart from being full of politians
Is for Dogs to be allowed in National Parks. I definitely dont want to come across dogs on the trails and have to judge whether they are safe dogs with responsible owners, or they going to chase the bike rider. Plus native wildlife will definitely be impacted upon having pet dogs allowed in National Parks.
I was trying to be subtle before, but just check out a couple of their policies:
"Free access by aircraft, boat, vehicle, bicycle, horse and on foot." to National Parks, where I assume 'vehicle' includes motorbikes and cars/4WDs. Do you want motor bikes in National Parks? Even if limited to fire trails this would be quite dangerous, and I think we've seen what damage motorbikes do to single track. We have been fighting for years to get equal access to parks for mountain bike riders and are getting there (albeit slowly). Mountain bike access arguments are based on sustainable trails and the fact that mountain biking is a human powered activity not unlike bush walking. Motorbikes and other vehicles however, are completely different. Now is not the time to consider siding with these other forms of activity. Mountain bikers need to put much distance between themselves and motorised access or risk jeopardising the work advocates have done thus far.
"Hunting feral animals in National Parks" While feral animals might be a problem, does anyone here want someone with a gun or crossbow wondering around in the same park as them while riding? No thanks!!
"Speed limits based on the 85th percentile, No harassment of young drivers or "hoon" laws, Use of radar detectors" I'm all for having more consistent and meaningful speed limits. Modern cars and well trained drivers can safely travel above the current speed limit on most roads outside urban areas for example (think freeways) - Germany's autobahn limits and crash record prove this. However, once meaningful limits are established, those that flaunt these rules should be punished more heavily. However, the ORP policy here wants not only higher speed limits, but police avoidance measures (legal use of radar detectors) for those that think the higher limit is still too low. I find this counter intuitive.
"Keeping native animals as pets" Because locking up a Koala or Kangaroo in your back yard isn't cruel?
"Focus on crimes that have victims" Because using your mobile phone while driving isn't a crime... until you hit a cyclist!
"Making bad choices (eg smoking or eating unhealthy food) is not the government's business" Correct. So long as you don't later expect the government to clean up your mess with heart bypass surgery or a course of chemotherapy, or pay disability from a young age because you can't walk any more!
I'm sorry, like I said, was trying to be subtle before. The policies of the ORP sound like a wish list for an irresponsible nation. Sure, on the surface they might appear to be a good idea, and fun even, but think it through... what would life really be like if these were law?
As much as I despise most politicians and the current system there is no way I'd be voting for an ORP candidate. Like I said before, look at everything the parties have to say and choose wisely.
As has been said elsewhere, the greatest thing to come from the increased popularity of political parties such as the Greens is the increased scrutiny that should be afforded their policies.
I'm thinking of voting for Kristina 'cause she rides a bike (not to good with the maintainence i've heard) and has boobs. Well so does Bazza but his arn't so appealing.
And voting is compolsary because?
Trev, I cannot fault your thinking!
that makes as much sense as anything else Trev!
Didn't the BOF( o'farrell) put the kybosh on some trail network at hornsby by putting political pressure on council through the back door?
Cant vote for that scumbag now!
And he got a politely worded rocket email as a result.
"The BOF"... Like The Hoff, with manboobs?
Based on how he's conducted himself as a populist tart in opposition, I hold grave doubts that he'll be any better when in power. Bob Carr all over again.
-- Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin19th Centrury French politician
It has to be said, the BOF is a massive handicap for the opposition.
If he can be out-debated by Keneally (which I hear has happened twice recently) when he has so much amo, what does that say about the bloke? Imagine how we will be ripped to shreds after 4 years of broken promises come the next election... oooh... cynical
Not something I would support!
Yeah currently I quite like keneally ... considering she has been handed the helm of the Titanic when it is already sinking she is surprisingly well even if it is just averting complete disaster. Now a decent opposition should have torn her and her government to shreds.... why haven't the? I suspect because they have as little clue how to fix things as anyone else.. if not more so. Very disapointing.
Personally I think the indepedendants are looking more interesting.. strangely a hung parliament may be better than the parties we could get in. It may not get anything done but may shake things up.The two parties just won't be the default option they will have to work to win next time. Also looking at government as choosing the best candidate to represent your electorate may be a more more important indicator than voting right or left.
While on the subject of politics, can I add my opinion. I love the environment, but I think the Greens use the environment as a lure and a front to what they really believe in. John Laws use to call them "Watermellons. Green on the outside, red on the inside".
Some of that stuff is insane. You saved me the trouble of looking them up.
The ORF just lost a vote...
Just received this from Bicycle NSW...
OK, it's pretty much all on road, but a bit of a clue, and some of us are out of the closet as road riders too...
It would be nice to know what, if anything BNSW is doing for MTBer's
Would have been good if IMBA-AU and/or MTBA had done something similar.
The greens responce looked very impressive, but it is for road users. Would love to see there responce for Mountain Biking. The coalitions responce was very weak.
Is it to late for us to whip up a questionaire?
Do it Tim. Even if we do at a local level.
Let's get a few questions together.
I've have already started collecting emails I so far have the greens, ALP, Liberal, Nationals, Democrats, Paul Green from NSW Christian Democrats.
Questions I have though of,
Do you approve mountain biking as a safe outdoor recreational sport?
Are you familiar with the NPWS Mountain Biking Disccusion Paper?
What are your thoughts?
Do you believe mountain biking can be enviromentally friendly?
Do you believe new trails can be built in a sustainable manner to an international standard?
Please add or change and I will send this off tonight.
Maybe that should be
"Are you
aware new mountain bike
trails can be built in a sustainable manner to an international standard?"
Just a thought.
"Are you aware of the huge growth in mountain biking as a recreational and social activity and as such the increasing need to provide legal areas for riding?"
Being the weekend, I will wait until tomorrow afternoon/night before sending emails. Have been trying to think of the best way to word the questions. (will replace the blanks with the partys name)
Please give feedback
Edit: added hathills comment
That's great, Tim. If you haven't already sent the emails off, I'd like to add a couple of questions.
Seeing as we're targeting BM candidates, I reckon we should also ask a few general cycling questions. You know that people riding bikes on-road has a huge carry-over to mountain-biking, particularly in the mountains. I'm interested in finding out whether the local candidates have specific ideas about cycling in BM. I might modify a few questions from the Bike NSW questionairre:
- What are some key points that you or your party have to say about cycling (both on- and off-road) in the Blue Mountains area? Please be specific.
- What are the key benefits of people riding bicycles in the Blue Mountains? (for each: 1 = Very important; 2 = Important; 3 = Not important)
.Reducing road congestion
.Amateur sport and recreation
.Community benefit (social, retail, access, etc)
.Decreased pollution and greenhouse gas
.Improved health
.Reduced cost of transport for families
.Experiencing the outdoor environment
Also, don't forget that we have an independant candidate, Janet Mays ([email protected]).
Great stuff!
I have sent off the emails to the NSW offices, not the Blue Mountains. Add your questions and send them off to the local candidates if you like.