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Sport & Rec Grants open now
Sport and Athlete Development Program grants, and Sport and Recreation Participation Program grants, are now open. Applications for both programs close mid August.
Sport and Athlete Development Program grants
What are the objectives of this program?
1. Increase regular and on-going participation opportunities in sport, recreation or structured physical activity in a sustainable manner.
2. Address barriers to participation in sport, recreation and structured physical activity.

Outdoor Recreation Party
The election is nearly upon us, check out the Outdoor Recreation Party website and the Mountain Bike Submission.pdf(right click to 'save as')
NSW State Election 2011
The Outdoor Recreation Party is standing candidates for the Legislative Assembly (lower house) as well as the Legislative Council.
The Party aims to regain its seat in the NSW Legislative Council (upper house), which it held between 1999 and 2007.
Legislative Assembly Candidates

Mona Vale DH
Hi Guys, Im new to the site,
I have been invited to go on a ride this Sunday with a few guys at the Mona Vale DH, just past the Bahi Temple and it apparently ends up at a girls high school. Do any of you know this track? Due to wife issues i might not be able to do it this Sunday and it sounds like a good place to start, having not done any Downhill before. So i would be keen to do it with some people who know it.
Might come along for a ride at Manly Dam tomorrow, where I can hopefully meet some of you.

Pre BBQ Ride
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Given there's an 11am BBQ guess this is the official ride before hand.
Fancy blasting out a couple of laps? Depending on who shows perhaps we could have two quick laps and/or a Bantry Bay option?

Sloooow Terrey Hills
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Back to our roots we go. This is what it's all about. A social ride on the Northern Beaches.
No racing. No Technical stuff. No Speed freaks
Given the report of not too waterlogged trail a couple of us will be doing Terrey Hills slowly on Saturday. Even the start time is a sociable 10am.
Please 'star' below if you intend to come and say hello.

Question re Kincumber
Hi All
My son and I are on the Central Coast tomorrow and Friday and I am thinking of having a quick look at Kincumber.
I followed with interest the thread regarding the ride there and have a bit of an idea of where the trails are from the maps etc.
My question is: if you only have say an hour to an hour and a half, which is the best area on the map for a bit of single track joy?
Is it the stuff to the north east? or the trails to west north west of the picnic area at the top of Island View drive?
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.