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Sport & Rec Grants open now

Sport and Athlete Development Program grants, and Sport and Recreation Participation Program grants, are now open. Applications for both programs close mid August.
Sport and Athlete Development Program grants
What are the objectives of this program?
1. Increase regular and on-going participation opportunities in sport, recreation or structured physical activity in a sustainable manner.
2. Address barriers to participation in sport, recreation and structured physical activity.
3. Build the capacity of the organisation to enhance provision of sport and recreation services.
4. Provide accreditation or training to develop the skills of volunteers to enable sport, recreation and structured physical activity programs to be conducted in locations across NSW.Who can apply?
* NSW incorporated, community based not-for-profit organisations
* NSW Local Government Authorities operating under the Local Government Act, 1993What level of funding is available?
* Grants from $500 - $10,000
Apply here
Sport and Athlete Development Program
The primary focus of the Sport and Athlete Development Program is to invest in the industry to provide increased opportunities for participation in sport and recreation.
What are the objectives of this program?
* Increase opportunities for athletes, coaches, officials, sports leaders and volunteers in activities such as professional development and attendance in representative competition within NSW.
* Encourage innovative and flexible approaches to increasing opportunities and reducing barriers to participation particularly for disadvantaged or under-represented groups.
* Contribute to building industry capacity.
* Assist the industry change and grow in a sustainable manner and respond to emerging issues and challenges.Who can apply?
NSW State sporting organisations and peak industry bodies that are recognised by Sport and Recreation through its Sport Development Program.
What level of funding is available?
* Grants from $1,000 - $15,000
Apply here
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