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Ban on Helmet Cams at State Races

as per
"The Chief Commissar has just advised that helmet cams will not be permitted in qualifying/seeding or race runs at the Ourimbah State DH round this weekend."
We at NSWMTB believe that the UCI ruling on Helmet Cams not being permissible in Qualifying or Race runs is clearly aimed at protecting media rights at World Cup races.
With a lack of clear direction from MTBA, however our hard working volunteer commissaires are reluctant to make a judgment call and are thus viewing the ruling as a safety ruling and have begun implementing it at State DH races.
As I, and others, have pointed out if it was a safety concern then helmet cams would need to be banned throughout the competition, not just in qualifying and race runs. We would also need to look at banning helmet mounted lights at XC/marathon races...
If, like us you think this over bearing UCI ruling should be revoked at domestic level please contact the MTBA Techincal directer and nicely ask for a review.
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To be frank, a number of silly rules that appear to have no logic seem to be creeping into the sport - it's very disheartening
Bont just had one of their shoe models banned unilaterally with no discussion because it was 'too aero' despite it being essential equipment. Yet they allow some pretty silly looking aero helmets.
I reckon you get a better point of view from chest mounted cams anyway.
The bont ruling is just plain wierd.
However, I've been a bit concerned about helmet mounted lights. I *really wouldn't* want to have my light snag on the ground during an OTB, and cause my neck to come to grief. I've been considering the Ayup velcro dot method, so my light would 'tear of' cleanly in an accident.
Some of the heavier duty lights, strapped on securely could really be dangerous. Helmet cams could have the same issue.
I'm trialling a Contour HD GPS unit atm and I reckon the mount would break off in a serious stack. I saw that happen on some footage posted on here recently of a stack on one of those urban DH events, the top qualified lost it on tjr last cornerd the cam came off and I assume was never recovered.
FWIW I've just gone back to the old ayup mount system because I reckon the new system is too easily knocked off - the risks around a sudden loss of light and the subsequent crash worries me more.
Yeah the contour system uses a glue on mount. Had a few crashes and the mount lets go before any damage is done.
As with lights, in my recent OTB with the wombat encounter the velcro straps let go well before my neck snapped....
Again, this ruling has nothing to do with safety. If it did the cams would be banned through out the competition. That they are only banned during race runs and exemptions are made for the "fastest qualifier" so the media crews can get foot shows it's all about protecting media rights, something we don't have at State level yet.
The ruling from the UCI regs is
No such clause exsists in the MTBA reg though there is a generic default to the UCI regs where rules are vague or something.
As State races have no UCI standings I simply don't know why UCI specific rules would be implemented but without a clear guide line from MTBA our commissairs need to cover themsleves by applying the stricter rule.
I'm sorry but that is one of the most ludicrous "safety" rules I've heard in a while. What next, speed limits on certain sections of a course?
The UCI ruling doesn't seem to stipulate the placing of the fixation, so would side mounted cams (and lights for that matter) not be a safer option then? The ruling seems to take issue with "metal/permanent" fixtures, so could MTBA not target that instead?
Next weeks UCI Rulings...
Hot Pink Shoe Laces are OUT OUT OUT Folks!
Don't even think about it!
Cleated shoes will be outlawed because you may crash and cause injury to yourself or another.
and all sticks and rocks will be banned from MTB courses.
What a Crock of Shit..
Despite announcing their intention to uphold the helmet cam ruling the Chief Comm, Gary Walker relented on the week end and allowed them.
Common sense prevails.
Thanks Gaz