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rent a DH bike in Sydney??

babene's picture

By babene - Posted on 25 May 2011

Hello everybody,

my name is Bene and I'm from Germany. I will travel to Sydnay at October. I want to rent a DH bike in sydnay to ride the local spots, does someone haf any idea where I can rent a bike.
I will be thankfull for any help.

Rob's picture

This is often asked, try a search for 'rental' which currently returns these leads:

babene's picture

Thanks Rob for the fast answere...

I wrote to an e-mail and asked if they rent DH bikes, i hope they do.
Sorry for my terrebile English I hope it will be better after my trip to austrailia. what do you think about the DH trails around Sydney?
are they verry difficult I just ride downhill for 2 Jears I'm not bad but not a pro. I search for somthing like this:
but more sandy and more rocks...

craked's picture

great footage ,$h!t music .you will need a car when your in sydney cause you won't find runs like that around here ! closest would be Awaba and Ourimbah Smiling

lezo's picture

that's wicked !!
must have serious arm pump after a long run like that. wrong time of year for thredbo which would be a bit the same for our travelling germanian friend. as the ski season has started. if you wanted to travel to canberra, there is a world class DH track there, the had the 2009 ?? world titles there, its only 4 hours from sydney.

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