Flash flooding!

flubberghusted's picture

By flubberghusted - Posted on 31 May 2011

For for those riding in the wet, please take it easy especially across river or creek crossings

Before the deluge came, it was a creek about as wide as a foot length and not deep enough to get your laces wet.
5 mins of sheltering, we went back to the creek crossing and came across this...

Funny enough, the idiot featured fell in holding onto a palm leaf as support ...........................He is fine

Pete B's picture

That looks quite a torrent!

Where's it at?

flubberghusted's picture

Seville reserve

waratah's picture

Rivers that rise fast, also generally drop fast once the rain has stopped. So if you can't get out the way you came, just wait it out. Don't risk crossing a flooded creek, many people have died trying.

hawkeye's picture

Are you sure your mate didn't have a little help?

Well, I'd have been tempted ... Eye-wink

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