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Lost saddle bag ands car keys at Ourimbah

Was riding on the xc tracks on Sat 11th June, after riding for 60 mins noticed my saddle bag had fallen off (inside it was our car key).Pretty non descript bag, grey in colour. If anyone finds it can they please call Peter on 0432068161 and i will reimburse you with a slab of your favourite brew
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Might be an idea to post on the CCOMTB website, hopefully you might catch the eye of one of the locals.
Almost lost the contents of my saddle bag on a ride a couple of months ago when the zipper teeth parted. I don't trust them any more and now no longer use them when riding trails, it all goes in the Camelbak. My commuter has a different design bag.
How'd you get home without your car keys?
Thanks for that have also placed it on the CCOMTB site. My lovely wife had to drive up from Umina to dekiver the spare key to me. What frightens me know is the replacement cost of a new key, have a feeling it is going to be a lot of $
the only things that should b in the saddle bag are tube, levers & co2 canister, putting car keys in there is stupid IMO
@smiley... come on mate... show a little sensitivity
I reckon I have lost about three of them including one at Ourimbah also. They always seem to shake off - either the stitching tears or the velcro loosens or the zip works its way open on bumpy tracks / roads and the contents go everywhere. I guess the weight of the multi-tool, CO2 canisters, tyre levers, tube etc is just too much for them. I've even tried the ones that are bolted to the seat rails and found that the zip opens itself.
Much better to use jersey pockets or camelbaks for stuff. For important things like car keys and mobile phones I put them in a zip lock bag so the sweat / rain doesn't ruin them and then put the bag in my jersey pocket, preferably the one that has a zip on it.
that is another sensible rider out there put it in your camelback or hide the keys under the car some where I have locked the keys in the car in my younger days , but learnt my lesson once is all it took . My wife would laugh at me if I lost the keys too my car , but then again all I need is a screwdriver or knife too start my car & drive away
I have learnt my lesson, only $500 for a new key !. If it fines up by the weekend and the trail is okay i will have a ride around for another look
Doubt that you'll be riding Ourimbah trails for weeks the amount of rain we've had here over the last 4 days especially today is unbelievable & they're predicting flooding for the yarramalong valley (just up the road from ourimbah state forest) in the next 24 hours.
might be better to grab a few mates & a slab too walk thru there at night if it has got one of those reflective strips on it it will show up better at night with a light on it
just make sure you wear gumboots.
I have found these pouches that you attach to the underneath of your saddle to be near on useless. Although they may work for a while, they inevitably split or tear apart from the battering that they receive from Mtb riding. My 2c, save your money and buy a larger Camelbak. Or better still, do what I do and have different size Camelbaks for different rides. Job done.
work for me, they sit there in your bidon holder with tube, CO2 etc for when you need them and you never need to worry about them falling out or forgetting to pack them before a ride
PS, I like the idea of using a light at night to pick up the reflective strips, why not just do it on a bike though?
You should be about to see the reflection of the solid gold for $500. It should be able to find you for that price.
Until reading this I have always put my keys in the saddle bag. I actually have one of these surf locks... used it when running / swimming at the beach and don;t want anything in pockets.
Locks onto the wheel or tow ring... combination lock and fits all size of kets (there's a little slot out the bottom for keys with large tops on them)
Great investment considering!
looks like a good idea , but ! Have you seen the youtube vids of the guys unlocking the combination on combination locks , I know it is a art too unlocking , because I could do it on my own padlocks with a hack saw blade or nail file when I was in high school . This is something I should have invested in a while ago it would have saved me money getting spare keys cut for surfing & bike riding so I didn't loose a imboliser as I never have yet .