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Dumping at Oxford Falls

Hey guys,
think this is the right spot for this but this afternoon a couple of mates and i were out riding Oxford falls. When we'd finished and were packing up to leave at the bottom of the hill we noticed an old bloke come in with a cruddy old ute (looked like an old ford courier or similar) loaded up with a trailer..
Who then proceeded to dump his trailer load of garbage (tilt tray trailer) over into some of the bushland at the bottom of the hill, he then tried to pull a quick getaway but must have gotten himself bogged in the wet ground because he was revving the crap out of his car and going no where fast.
By the time we had loaded up our cars and drove over, there was already a group of MTB'ers talking to him and were thinking about how to pull him out (driving a gunmetal merc 4wd, the serious boxy looking style).
We took down the number plate of the guy who dumped the stuff and called the local council who said they would pass on the message to a council ranger. I was amazed when a ranger called me back within about 5 minutes to get our version of the story directly. They're going to go down and assess the dumping and discuss in their meeting tomorrow and will be contacting me to get an official statement in the next few days.
If you were at Oxford falls mid-late afternoon today and saw the incident (or the guys with the Merc) and would be willing to be listed as a witness for when the rangers take my report so that they can follow up with you as well you can flick me an email at [email protected]
Definitely a win as i made sure i mentioned we were MTB'ers just wanting to do our bit to keep our parklands clean and healthy keep us in the good books!
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Well done, I hope he gets whacked by the full force of the law! What an a-hole!
Firstly FlyingTom, well done for being vigilant and taking down the offender's rego details. It's good to see someone care.
Secondly, why on earth were the other mountain biker group trying to help this prick get out. I would have left him there and called the police while he was stuck revving away. If every uncaring loser like this wally dumped their crap in the bush every weekend, we'd have nowhere pristine to ride or hike. I despair with humanity sometimes, I really do.
Well done Tomato!
Interestingly we passed a pile of cr@p dumped at the corner of McCarrs Creek and LGSMD yesterday and were discussing what the point is.
Think about it: most of the stuff I see dumped looks to be as a result of a reno. Wait a sec - so these muppets can afford to renovate but can't afford to pay a few bucks at Kimbriki? Just doesn't make sense. What is wrong with people?
Good on you guys.
Nice to see one of these guys caught in the act.
A few of us were riding that area too - we had a similar convesation about whomever dumped a load of tiles (from a reno) at the base of the Chiltern Track. Also came across (on 3 occasions), 2 MX bikes tearing through the duckholes, chiltern and oddly enough Centre trail. They had no plates on, obviously. Then at the coffee shop later on - i can only presume it waas the same bikes turned up - with plates now.... Couldnt be sure so couldnt do anything about it...
So to close this one off, the ranger followed up with me earlier last week and i provided him with my statement.
He was then able to issue a hefty fine to the offending party who has now removed the rubbish where dumped it and hopefully learnt his lesson for the future.
Great outcome, FT. Well done.
And good to see too the rangers are engaged enough to take the report seriously and follow through.