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Manly Dam Trail Works Update 27/6/11

Hi All, here's an update on the trail works situation since last week.
A nobmob member talked and walked with a Manly Dam ranger and the trail maintenance contractor last Friday regarding the placement of corralling rocks on the Golf Course tracks. The track as we all know has progressively widened over the years and they are looking at ways to tighten it up a little. Given the POM and all other things re routing of exiting lines is unrealistic in the short term so we have to conserve and make do with what is there.
- Trig track clearing has been done by surveyors not manly dam personnel.
- Steep climb boardwalk they are placing a small flat rock at base of rock platform to re establish original approach angle. Will be closing off the alternate LH line and inside line at both top and base of the boardwalk to ensure no alternate lines are developed.
- Boardwalk has been re bolted and set.
- Are looking at different options for greater grip on boardwalk. Suggestions welcome via this forum
Trig single track:
- 3 rocks to close off expanding lines
Trig Track after climb
- needs significant work to re establish original line
- volunteer day earmarked.
New Boardwalk area prior to golf rock.
- Establish large rocks to align sight angle onto rock platform and allow regeneration of lower area.
- Boardwalk is routed onto line off platform rock already.
- Small flat rock to enable step up onto flat rock to be achievable.
Rest of the work done looks really tidy. Contractor was pretty upset and put out about some of the comments made about the "patio area". A new body has been set up by local mountain bikers to improve the consultation process and reduce the misinformation sometimes delivered when things are sighted before completion and assumptions are made. (More will be advised on this advocacy development in the next 2-3 weeks).
It was reinforced to the contractor that once people have seen the completed works they were very happy and that the concern came from a lack of consultation and information in the process and mountain bikers felt removed from the decision process when we thought there were greater priorities on the trail.
The mayor should be our last port of call not the first. We have re established a communication with the ranger and management of the dam and they are listening (thanks to you all contacting the mayor). Lets keep the momentum positive and forward.
So if you see the contractor working, he is pretty chuffed at his 3 reverse grades at the patio area, and the work is great so say hello and thanks. He is working to make our trails better.
There will be another chance for input before the next section of trail work this week so nobmob and MWMTB reps are keep a morning open between them.
There are still numerous areas on the golf course track we sighted to require work that was outside the scope of the current contract work and ideally suited to volunteer days. These shall be approached in the future as POM comes to light and allows the degree of flexibility for the rangers to manage volunteers.
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went for a ride this morning (school hols) and thought the work was great. The rocks look solid and should be hard to move and the rock placed at the technical climb will make it easier for begginers,
I was one of the skeptics when the 'patio' was being built. Rode on Sunday and was great... Thanks for the effort that has been put in. Great Result
Thats sounding good. I will hopefully get a chance to do a lap this weekend
I dont want to sound negative towards the work you guys are doing, but given you guys seem to be the main contact for the works being carried out at the Dam, i might suggest you guys throw this stuff on some other forums. I know there are a lot more people that ride the Dam than there is on this forum and i am sure they would love to know whats happening and be able to voice their opinion on whats happening to the trail.
I'll post on rotorburn. Any others you would suggest?
Didn't sound negative at all. Quite constructive...
I look forward to my next MD lap then!!
Thanx Hawkeye,
It sounds as though everything is really positive and even better is the fact that through some strong support and passion, we have a relationship that has developed with the rangers and we now have a volenteer day in the wings. I've not been out recently and can't wait to see the works completed and take notes for improvement ideas next lap.
To everyone that was involved in turning this situation around, I thank you. This is a great recipe for moving forward to get the result we are all after, a better track that will last. Who knows, we may even have some berms and new jumps in time...
Please give us plenty of advance warning for the volunteer day, I don't want to miss it.
Thanx again.
I was just worried it might sound rude as i dont post here very often that was all. Glad it wasnt taken the wrong way though
I have already put it on bikesmoveus but dont know many other apart from farkin....
I to would like to be kept more in the loop of whats happening. I dont have much spare time on weekdays but weekends i would be more than happy to do my best to dedicate some time to keeping the Dam alive
Be it volunteer days or a track walk with Rangers etc
Walked the Dam today to take a look at the work done and I must say what has been done to repair the damage and wear is top class. To the contractors, council and NP personnel job, well done and thank you.
Went for a ride on Sunday and I've got to say I was very impressed.
I honestly still don't get why work was done on "patio" area, but the rest of it really has gone a long way to restoring some of the original lines.
Was very impressed to see the original line onto the rock platform before golf rock reinstated ( I love this line and always took it, even after second line past it had developed). Not to sure that the small flat rock was needed to enable the step up to be achievable as it was a pretty basic step up, but meh...
Hawkeye mentions that they are looking at different options for greater grip on boardwalk - must say this new Boardwalk area prior to golf rock is a section that REALLy will need some grip as you have to ride it at a bit of an angle and around a bend, so grip here is a premium. What about some of the grey coloured paint with the stones or whatever it has in it?
So is the dam completely open now?
It was Sunday morning when I went round.
It was a bit wet in places but generally ok.
Might have to do the touro thing
And get myself down there for a few laps sometime
Must be a couple of years since my last ride there
And sounds like things are on the up