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Week 5 25th June 07

Exposed-105's picture

By Exposed-105 - Posted on 25 June 2007

Good or bad, the first step at refocusing myself is to get back into this blog, actually found this mornings write up of the last week a little cathartic. One thing I did take out of last week was that the cravings increased relative to the decrease in exercise. I had actually noticed this by about midweek and made the point of exercising when the cravings hit, to my surprise they actually did go away. Now just the will power to see it through. This may have been common knowledge to soem or all of you but it is not something I have ever correlated before.

Anyway as for today, started exercising again today and cut out the snacking, although I did have a small bowl of icecream after dinner.

Small fruit juice with psyllium husk


Turkey salad sandwich

Banana protien shake

Small bowl of icecream

4 x 15 situps
35mins on the trainer

Bye for now

kiwiboy's picture

Hang in there dude.

I also have struggled most of my adult life with weight/size, primarily bcos I like to eat and drink.

Over the last 18 months after returning to MTB and the gym I have managed to make slow and steady progress towards goals, in a more sustainable fashion than other times. I've lost around 7 kg and 4 inches (two full sizes from 104 to 85) in the waist. It feels good.

So, a couple of tips.

Even if you don't publish it here write down what you eat. Name and shame, even to yourself. In fact specially to yourself.

Nuts, raw almonds specifically, are a good way to beat the munchies. Also some dried fruit, although it is high in sugar it tends to be natural sugars that are digested more slowly as they are a more complex carb. Personally I find fresh dates a great sugar hit that are high in fibre and sufficiently satisfying. So keep some of these handy especially in the danger times of afternoon-itis and evening snacks. After a while your cravings for refined sugars will go. It does take a while.

Don't get hungry!! Eat lots of protein, specially in the afternoon. And no-fat yoghurt is a good desert or snack at any time (Yoplait no-fat are the best), in fact a recent study I read indicates that the calcium in soft cheeses and yoghurt binds to fat and actually increases weight loss as it passes the fat through the gut..

In general, keep it natural - seems to help.

You've made good progress, don't beat yourself up too much - we ARE only human, and its been a shitty week for weather.


if at first you don't succeed, try not to look astonished.

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