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Alex's picture

By Alex - Posted on 05 July 2007

anyone currently have insurance on their bike for theft cover? if so, can u recommend them or someone? i checked gio with home contents addon, and its like 1000+ a year..aami and nrma dont seem to do it other than in similar manner...

Rob's picture

I have Australian Unity home contents which covers the bikes at home.

For anywhere outside the home (worldwide even) it's an add on of something silly like 5-10% of the replacement cost per year. This includes accidental damage too (they paid up when my camera broke) but not sure how you'd go getting a new wheel set after a prang Eye-wink

Still, I have this - better safe then sorry and all that - don't forget if someone runs into the back of the car while it's on a rack that won't be covered under motor policy.

Bruce's picture

I had insurance for my bikes with QBE, it was only a little extra on the contents policy I had at the time, although they were only covered for theft or damage while at home.

dez_b's picture

I have my bike covered by QBE it is covered for its replacement value as an addition to my contents policy in or out of the home and only costs me $ 8.OO per week , well worth it .

Alex's picture

thanx guys just switched to qbe, and im actually going to save $20 to have the bike insured from my old contents only policy cause the new contents policy is $150 cheaper lol

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