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Wollemi National Park

Just signed up to NoBMoB and wanted to discuss riding in Wollemi National Park. Anyone been there and explored? I saw a fire track on a map called Mountain Lagoon Fire Track and wanted to see if anyone has explored it. The area is amazing, close to Sydney, and not as populated as the Blue Mountains.
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Yeah, Wollemi is massive. It's a bit of a trek from here which is why you don't see much about it, but there is good stuff there I'm sure (I've walked around the 'pagodas' for instance, it's great terrain).
Flynny recently wrote about Old Coach Road which (parts of which at least) I believe would be classed as in this park?
I've had my eye on Grassy Hill fire trail for ages and always wanted to explore out there. Trouble is, the one time I talked people into coming we ended up stopping just before it and taking a ride down along what turned out to be Angorawa Creek. It was a bit of a nightmare (check the Angorawa Creek gallery) but we had fun (yup - keep telling yourself, Rob!).
Anyhow, I'm up for a return to the area now we know not to do this and ride the real Grassy Hill.
Any other info on the area of course, would be greatly appreciated.
The Old coach road goes into Gardens of Stone NP but I don't think it gets to Wollemi.
Are we talking Wollemi NP or Wollemi Wilderness Zone. The Latter takes in parts of Wollemi and Blue Mts NP(Gardens of stone too?) but riding is only permitted on management trails.
Dave Noble describes a ride through Mt Lagoon as part of his Bell to Richmond ride (About half way down the page)
The fire road sounds fun but not sure if it's the same one you are talking about.
Grassy Hill is further North.
Another good one might be Mt Cameron. I haven't been out there in years but you use to be able to drive all they way to the Colo from this side.
Yes - I've had my eye on this too. On a map didn't look quiet as interesting as Grassy Hill though. There are some trails marked on the topo map off to the South of Grassy Hill that loose a lot of altitude very quickly... sounds like a recipe for fun
FWIW, I also traced a few fire trails East from around this area of Putty road. It would seem one can ride them and end up over on Womerah Range and hence progress to St Albans/Wisemans ferry.
Looks like you could really make up some great epic (2 day?!) rides in this stuff if that way inclined. Parking on Putty Rd, riding to St Albans to camp or stay in the pub, returning the next day might be pretty nice.