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the most beautiful N+1 EVER!

I finally picked up my wonderful new bike yesterday!
It is absolutely amazing and the most beautiful thing ever!
Soooo happy!!!
Rush, Rush, Rush... I 'll catch u anyway!
(can it be weekend NOW!?!?!?!)
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So when does it get it's first outing?
but why did you have to join the dark side?
not sure if the DH, XC day would be a perfect first test for the new beast..?
Maybe the XC bit .... but definately sometime Sunday!!
Might PM(!!!) Gazza and see what he had in mind for the day and how the chances are for some actual riding at that ride.
Although there is Shano's mini-epic thing planned Saturday, I'll be there at Oxford Falls Sunday too. With another Rush - XC all the way (erm, maybe a touch of the DH course, just no big hits
Hi Caro,
well done!!!!!
"don't rush it"!!
just wait until you see my XC Superbike!!!.... maybe ready for the Fling!!
if not ....oh I have to push around 16.5kg!!!!
weight on the Rush??
I thought your bike felt a little heavier than what I was used to Bernd, but 4 kilos, wow!
A Cannondale's a good choice for your first dually, especially as every year or so you can return the cracked frame and they give you a new one gratis.
It's like getting a new bike every year.
Nice work Caro, cant wait to see it sometime soon.
If your there on Sunday i shall see you there.
Anyone ever seen a cracked Rush? They are a pretty beefy frame being single pivot they can put the weight into the frame rather than fancy schmancy linkages.
Just out of curiousity what does a Totally built up Rush weigh.
For reference my anthem is just under 12kg (totally stock 2007 anthem 1) and my NRS just under 13kgs (2003 nrs1)
My roadie commuter with lights, rack, top box thingo is about 16kgs, really fell the weight difference when i jump on the xc anthem.
how are we going to catch you now ?
Even tho you have gone to the dark side, congrats on the new toy.
Which model?
A large alloy model with reasonably light build will come in a touch under 12.5kg. Hugh's (at CBD) carbon model (medium frame) has been very close to 10kg in silly light mode, but normally close to 10.5kg
well done Caro, looking forward to seeing you out on the weekend.
Sunday is the day then!
(Can't wait!!!!!!)
So see you at 8.30
My frame is a medium so might be slightly lighter than the Large?
But you know me... I don't know all these numbers. All I know is that it feels MUCH lighter than my Hardtail, which was about 15kg!!
Says the BA retailer to Caro, who is pitching the offer of a Cannondale to a naive and unsuspecting buyer:
"Come with me, and together we can crush the MTB Rebellion, and Rule the Galaxy..."
(For the record, Liam's reply would be:
"I'll never join you!!")
didn't tell you the truth about the Epic, did he?
He told me enough, he said the Epic p0wns the Rush.
No ... the Rush is the Big Daddy of all bikes!
Search your feelings, you know it is true.
"That's impossible!!!!!"
"With the Rush, we can destroy the other manufacturer's, and rule the MTB community as Master and Apprentice!!! With Pogo Stick forks to dominate the other riders, we have foreseen our Rush to Destiny!!"
I am sure you both will be fine!!
Should I call you a nurse??
I am fine
It is you that I am worried about.
I dont think it matters what bike Caro rides
"the force is strong with this one"
Your lack of faith is disturbing
I think we better stop here ...
Nice work Caro... great bike. What colour/model??
And you doubters - frame breakage score so far is Scott Genius-3 Cannondale Rush-0
The stats do not lie (on this occasion!)
in white and dark blue
Rush 3!!
2 more sleeps
Gute Nacht!!!
Hello Caroline,
Cannon = (cannon) a weapon used in former times, now used only ceremonially, consisting of a simple iron tube mounted on wheels.
Dale= a broad lowland valley, especially in northern England.
Saying: Walked over hill and dale.
Enjoy taking your heavy metal tubed ceremonial, wheel mounted (Cannondale)into a valley and walking it out
be nice!!!
Can't wait to see it climbing up those hills!
You all are just secretly jealous of the U.S. hand made mountain bike with sole as your bikes are mass produced Chinese cr#p , I dont quite understand have all you Cdale bashes actually owned one that broke ? I think not.
if only they made motor bikes....
Bikes with front and rear wheel drive?
I didn't think cannondale were silly enough for that.
It definitely made the prototype stage as I remember pics in mags ages ago, I don't hink it ever made even small scale production though, unlike the motos which preceded it...
...we're lucky in a way that the motos sent them all but broke as it put an end to that 2wd silliness?
I know of at least one person who has cracked a Cannondale frame and I also know there have been recalls on the lefty and rear swing arm.
I know of only one Scott that the frame snapped and another that the rear hanger bent.
Oh no we're are going from bad to worse. we've got snap and crackle where's pop?
What you have to think about is this: when a bike fails, how much does it cost to fix and when do you get that fix?
Yes, I do know of a couple of Cannondale problems, but all you need to know is that they honour the warranty, no questions asked, and normally quick smart. That kind of service deserves customer loyalty.
Well it is all very subjective isn't it.
I personally have broken a Scott frame twice on two separate incidents and separate places - but I still got it and still ride it and like it. The Genius is a great bike. However Netti took nearly 5 months do do the warranty thing on the first one, which is how I also ended up being a Cannondale owner, since I got so tired of waiting. The LBS lent me a Rush Carbon for a weekend as a replacement (fiendish I tell you!! like baiting a hook!) and I spent most of that ride figuring out how I was going to keep it
before you know it I had a Rush at home. Now I still ride and like both, but the 'dale seems to find its way on the bike rack more often, and I haven't busted it yet despite significant abuse, well not the frame, anyway, and the lifetime frame warranty is appealing.... unlike most others (notably Scott) with 3-4 years.
And the lefty recall - nobody I know was affected. We had ours checked, all hunky dory, as did several buddies.
if at first you don't succeed, try not to look astonished.
I've managed to break just about every bikes I've owned with the exception my cove and the current version of the Oxyd.
You hear of a lot of Giants, Cannondales and Scotts having troubles but that's mostly because there are a lot more Giants' Cannondales and Scotts out there then other brands
I had my first propper riding experience on the new beast yesterday at Oxford Falls and I was in bike heaven!
Loved aver minute of it, uphill, downhill, road.... even hiking out from Deep Creek and carrying it!!??
I don't care what the stats say, you can always be unlucky, enjoy the ride!!