Submitted by blackbetty on Mon, 06/08/2007 - 19:59.
well the pics you took are fantastic. did you have to upload them all individually? cuz that woulda taken for ever. if so they should have a mass upload option... hows that hamstring going?
Submitted by davis_jnr on Tue, 07/08/2007 - 20:20.
Upload didnt take too long, the longest thing was the sifting through the pics Hammy is going ok, going to try to road ride one arvo/morning this week to test it out.
Wish i had been riding now
well the pics you took are fantastic. did you have to upload them all individually? cuz that woulda taken for ever. if so they should have a mass upload option... hows that hamstring going?
and thanks guys for a great session! Wonder I didn't join the nobmob rides sooner!
Upload didnt take too long, the longest thing was the sifting through the pics
Hammy is going ok, going to try to road ride one arvo/morning this week to test it out.
thats awesome
Here's ours from last Sun
nice. looks like there's been some building going on!
Only one more exam left and i'll be back in the saddle!
Nice form. Good work.