You are hereIf you ONLY had the choice between riding two types of MTB bikes would it be either:

If you ONLY had the choice between riding two types of MTB bikes would it be either:

lorrie's picture

By lorrie - Posted on 23 August 2007

56% (33 votes)
19% (11 votes)
Don't care, they're both pretty good
5% (3 votes)
No Way! Wouldn't be seen on either of them!
20% (12 votes)
Total votes: 59
Stuart M's picture

A very Special 80%

lorrie's picture


Carlgroover's picture

But I'd have to pick it up very cheap.

Rob's picture

Don't forget, the moderator knows who has two accounts on this site. You know who you are! Sticking out tongue

Heckler's picture

Underdog Sticking out tongue

craigs's picture

The next survey might read...."if money was no option which bike would you lust after"
Then a decent list of bikes brands to choose... that might give an interesting result.

Carlgroover's picture

I think the survey is more about giving Cannondale owners a hard time, it's always been a popular pastime. I don't know why it's like that, except that it is fun, just like the Volvo thing.
I'm already ducking for cover John

lorrie's picture

I just wanted to know who prefers what bike, me I'm riding a giant Eye-wink at the moment.

Ok someone put a new pole in pleaseeeeeeeeee.....

craigs's picture

not before the flames die down...

ar_junkie's picture


PS - lorrie, I thought you were on a brown specialised last weekend?

lorrie's picture

Eye-wink I have a brown specialized and a black giant as well....

christine's picture

do you mean can someone please put out a new POLL or new pole? The latter would give them plenty to tease you about...

Stuart M's picture

Oxford Street days so I thought I would leave that request alone. Eye-wink

lorrie's picture

would you? Now where did that picture go of you Christine Eye-wink

Stuart M's picture

Well maybe just occassionaly

ar_junkie's picture

More often than not?
Otherwise life would be boring right?

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