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a question re 19th hole Manly Dam

In my view, 19th hole has a fundamental problem hiding in its final roll over - yes, for most simple mortals myself included it's a roll over and as such it's the one line only - the last stone has a tendency to wander around and could present a problem if moved further down the line.. well, it did to me once - I did jump it, but since then I've been feeling a little twitchy each time I approach the section..
I am wondering if something could be done about it - remove it completely, or stabilize, etc..
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Oh.. thank you for the pointer - what a nice surprise to see a major strategic development in this area!! I am sorry I missed it somehow.. otherwise I'd have posted there..
However, I am talking about different & much smaller immediate subject - yes in exactly same place - I wish something could be done quickly about that last smaller rock in the main pink line as it could easily move under heavy loads and so it will cause a crash since a rider sees it only the last moment when it is too late to jump for most riders. Isn't it obvious?!..
Moreover I recall someone had been placing even more smaller rocks around it - presumably to make the line smoother.. sure I am not the only one that got annoyed by that blunt `creativity'..
An easy solution would have been to throw it away of course - and it really should be - I cannot do so on my own without asking community's opinion on that of course, so here is the post if I have to spell it all out..
... and see what the contractor does with this.
Council is aware... we've been emailing on it for awhile. As noted in my blog post, this has been dramatically worsened this year by the water runoff from the 4WD track Energy Australia bulldozed in under the power lines.
If you are talking about the rock in the middle of the pairs of pink and green lines just after last the roll-off, we reviewed and decided it needs to stay to provide an anchor point for future rock armouring. There is plenty of room for lines either side: the pink arrows show the most common lines.
Please don't move it.
I haven't noticed the last rock on the usual line (right hand pink line in the photo, left side when riding) moving at all, but the drop is getting progressively deeper and a wheel-catching lip tends to form in the clay pan landing zone as it dries out.
I'm expecting that, and run my seat low anyway, but if you're a noob or tend to run your seat high you're potentially going to find yourself in a spot of bother ... unless you half huck it. Not a nice surprise.
It's on the list of things to fix.
I see, thank you, Hawkeye!
There is no way I am moving anything on the trail.
Yes, the small rock did move a couple of times.. small size and no anchor means it could be moved by a big heavy rider..
Just saw today the small white rock that someone has put in place on the last roll-down at 19th Hole.
There were a lot of riders standing around down there for some reason, so with the new trail "feature" and the audience I elected not to overtax my feeble brain's powers of attention, and walked it.