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Car driver punches cyclist

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You are hereForums / General Discussion / Video/Movie/YouTube/Etc. / Car driver punches cyclist
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as per normal, just are not interested....
At least he mostly missed with his wild swing.
The cyclist (who was being swung at) dropped his chin down... that 'tough guy' would have probably broken most of the bones in his hand...
Ah, we can dream that one day the cyclist will come off on top right?
Now off to gaol you go. This is simple assault with flawless evidence. He should get a long stretch of community service minimum for this. What a prick.
who knows what goes on in an english man's mind?(said with tongue in cheek to all fellow NobMob/GTA lads)
The guy in the car has not been going out of his way to single out cyclists per se.
It seems that he would do this sort of thing regularly to anyone!
Arrest made
While there is no basis for condoning the behaviour of the driver in this instance, I find it hard to accept that he stopped his car (parked illegally I might add), got out of it and assaulted the cyclist for no reason at all. There must have been some prior interaction, although from a quick skim of the commentary on the site where the video was posted, it seems like the cyclist claims he was JRA....
... of similar behaviour previously, I can assure you that there *are* people out there with such poor impulse control and anger management that the the slightest little thing can tip them over the edge into rages where they act out like this.
Sometimes it is sleep deprivation, sometimes it is drug induced (eg, ice), sometimes they get off on being 'a badass and the feeling of power that seeing fear in another's eyes gives them, usually a double helping of a sense of entitlement is involved.
You're right. It isn't for no reason. It is because the perpetrator has issues.
I'm not saying that the cyclist necessarily did anything wrong, and I understand that some drivers are absolute a***holes towards cyclists who may have done nothing to aggravate them other than "being there", but it's a lot easier to be an a***hole when you're sitting in your tin can and being careless or intimidating, than it is to get out and initiate a physical altercation.
Presumably this guy would have come to public and police notice earlier if he was inclined to just pull up his car in busy villages and try to snot cyclists just for the heck of it.
All I'm saying is that it would be interesting (and perhaps even instructive) to have some idea of whatever interaction preceded the assault.
Lach my guess is it went something like.
Car driver is annoyed at needing to slow down for cyclists riding in the lane (possibly *gasp* two abreast *oh the horror*) and abuses cyclist out the window.
Cyclists flip the bird and abuse car driver back.
Car driver makes a dangerous passing move.
Cyclist abuses him further, possibly even hitting the side of the car as it passes by far to close for comfort.
Car driver does his nut, pulling up and jumping out of the car.
Lame attempt at a punch pushes cyclist off balance and he falls over
Car driver leaves feeling he is now well 'ard
Sometimes some cyclists need a punch in the head.
Just cause he rides a bike doesn't mean he's a good bloke or done the right thing.
Cars are way heavier and more powerful then me so anytime i am on the road, regardless of road rules cars always have right of way.
"...regardless of road rules cars always have right of way. "
Strongly disagree. Sure you can and should expect any road user to do the wrong thing at any time, but they don't have any higher priority to road rules just because they are in a car. Each road user should abide by the rules of the road regardless of what they drive.
And road rage is inexcusable in any situation.
regardless of the road rules, I tend to error on the side of caution, even if I have right of way the self preservation instinct keeps me from pushing the point with the bike and If I can; I do make sure they know what they did was "naughty". I prefer to arrive safe than argue the road rules post injury or worse. I suspect that the same instinct keeps me on the back roads commuting rather than mix it with the cars on roads such as military road, sure I have a right to be there, but it's just not worth the risk.
anyhow back to the thread, it would be interesting to see the complete video of what started this incident? and who would film a road ride with a helmet cam?t
Yeah according to the letter of the law they dont have any more rights than anyone BUT given they weigh alot more than me and my bike and carry alot more force than me - "in my world" they have right of way based on the simple fact that if i get hit i'll come off second best. Doesn't have to be the same for everyone.
Maybe it had nothing to do with a bike riding vs car incident, maybe it was something else!!!!
Question; Why TF did his passenger's also get out of the car?
just maybe, everyone should read the videographer's post on instead of making uninformed assumptions?
Flynny got it pretty much right.
By the way, the bovver boy has handed himself in and has been arrested on assault charges.
Yep, enjoy gaol you f*ck-wit