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Brisbane Water NP

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 16 September 2007

Saturday, 22 September, 2007 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

3 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Meeting Point: 

Woy Woy Road, Brisbane Water National Park. Tunnel Track trail head.

Note the move to 8:30am.


Time for a bit of exploration. Brisbane Water National Park has loads of fire trail at least marked on the map. Time to take a look-see.

Tunnel Track seems to start about half way into the park so is probably as good a place as any to meet.

Will try and figure out a decent route, but as usual for an exploration there'll be a lot of playing things by ear.

As this is an exploration don't come if being lost worries you and allow food/water/time for at least 50Km of riding over several hours.

Who's in?
Rob, ar_junkie, Gary
Rob ar_junkie Gary
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
davis_jnr's picture

Any chance of moving to Sunday?

Rob's picture

Erm... yeah, Sat or Sun... guess it doesn't matter at this stage. If we get some Sunday votes before anyone is 'in' then why not?

scottm8's picture

I would be up for it on another date. I will be away in Queensland this weekend.
If there is any chance in putting it back a week that would be great.
Otherwise hope you have a great ride!

ar_junkie's picture

But I have time constraints i.e. need to be back by 3pm... so I might do a local loop instead i.e. Oxford Falls, Cascades, Showgrounds, T Hills etc.. you know the one Eye-wink

Rob's picture

It should only be an hours drive for the junkie... finish up at 2? Do you want to move to 8am start?

Ev... can you do Sunday?

evan's picture

Sat or Sun is fine by me.
I'd prefer to do Ourimbah on Sat anyway. So Sunday is fine.

I'm a tentative, as of Friday we go back to one car and my wife may need it to do the shopping.


davis_jnr's picture

Just realised that i'm busy on sunday....sorry for the mess up. my bad Sad

Rob's picture

That's OK, you see we're still on Saturday anyhow, just a touch earlier so Junkie doesn't have to worry about getting home.

Actually, if it's just him dragging my sorry ass along then the whole park should be mapped out in a couple of hours anyhow Eye-wink

ar_junkie's picture

If you don't mind the earlier start then Booya! It means more time to get lost found riding time... Eye-wink

Little-Ditty's picture

I'm out, sorry guys. Can't do an early Saturday ride. Sad

But I am looking for something to do on Sunday. Smiling

ar_junkie's picture

Unlucky ditty... next time!

Are we starting at 8 or 8:30 tomorrow? Shocked
Earlier the better...

Rob's picture

Ready to ride at 8:30!

Call me to car share. Even if we meet at the Shell servo just before freeway entrance that would be good.

I have some inside information on what sounds like a top 30Km return ride. We can try that then look around more depending on time.

Rob's picture

Thanks for the ride today guys. Would have been a bit easier if the landfill wasn't there:

Love that section over the rocks... but then having to hike-a-bike... hmmm... not so. What with the landfill being in the way, there was no other way back, if only we'd known.

A return is a must, for the good rock stuff and also to try more firetrails that may or may not turn out to be as nice Smiling

P.S. Rubber seal on BB not an issue, Brad at BA assures me, happens all the time and the real seal is well inside.

Gary's picture

Great ride today
Thanks for getting me round, my legs are shattered.
Stunning views and some great trails, may take a while for my leg to stop bleeding though. Damned steps.

ar_junkie's picture

Great scenery, great track, great company - great day out! Luved the Moab-like sections... Cool

Will definitely be going back for some more exploring...

Gary - did the bleeding at least equate to more sympathy? Eye-wink

Gary's picture

Yes Junkie awee bit, but I am not allowed out to play with you guys anymore.

Rob's picture
Rob's picture

Ah... show her that pic of Gazza's stiches and explain how it's play with guys like him or us! Eye-wink

Hey, how come I managed to escape the only one without blood leakage today? Shocked

GAZZA's picture

its only been two weeks and im so bloody envious of you lot. looks like a top trail!

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