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Are there any decent fire trail networks around Newy?

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
ok, there are times when I need a break from the roady but keen to clock up similar sort of riding on the mtb.
So I am hoping someone could suggest somewhere reasonably local (ie 0.5hr drive) that has a good network of fire trails where I could cobble together 50-100k's without going round and round in circles.
Google Earth suggests a few areas of potential - seems to be a big forest area up near Karuah, south of Caves Beach, Sugarloaf down to Lake Mac.
Any suggestions?
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The killingworth/suagarloaf area would do it as would the Watagans.
I have ridden the Glenrock Mt Sugarloaf Glenrock loop a few times that was posted here on the GTA website a year or so ago. It is a cracker and is virtually all management trails, with a bit of cycleway on the way back [around Speers Point]. It is a good 5-6 hour ride and about 80kms from memory and well worth the effort. There are some good slogs up along Mt Sugarloaf and a flat out white knuckle fire trail descent that brings you out at Wakefield I think. The beer at the Burwood Bowlo is well earned at the end. I am sure that someone on the forum will have the exact route.
Went into the forum archive and found the original post. It is posted below, but you can search "circumnavigate newcastle" and find more info about it.
This is a MTB epic with some road involved with refreshment stops along the way. Start at New Lambton and ride up to the top of St James Rd. Turn left and head towards the picnic area on Mohoganny Dve at Blackbutt reserve. Take the fire trail up to Lookout Rd, cross Lookout Rd and down McCaffrey Dve for 50 - 100 metres and then dive into the bush heading up towards John Hunter Hospital. Ride the bush behind the far western car park and end up on the Jesmond Park cycleway. Get onto Newcastle Rd and follow it to the Newcastle Link Rd roundabout. Once on the Link Rd take the first left, fiirst right and then right again. This will get you onto an old gravel mine road which runs parallel to the Ncle Link Rd. This eventually becomes single track and onto an old raiway corridor, bringing you out behind Maquarie College which is on Lake Rd. From here there are trails heading north back up towards the Ncle Link Rd which link up to the power line trails that bring you out onto Minmi Rd, Cameron Park. Head right onto Minmi Rd up to the roundabout. Jump back into the bush here and follow the trail which again runs parallel to the Ncle Link Rd eventually bringing you out at the go-cart track on Cameron Park Dve. From here ride up to Mt Sugarloaf and take the Sugarloaf Range Rd across to Wakefield, onto the Great North Walk and Rhonda Rd to Teralba. (Have refreshments at the Teralba Pub if ya want. This is also an opt out option as you can get a train back to Newcastle from here).
After rehydrating take the cycleway to Warners Bay and follow the Great North Walk trail back to Charlestown through the bush behind the golf course. Cross the Pacific H,way and again follow the Great North Walk to the Fernleigh Track cycleway back to Adamstown. Collapse and have beers and food at the Gates Hotel. This is a long day in the saddle so take plenty of food/water. This is agreat training ride if ya into the Dirtworks/Highland Fling etc. Cheers.
Thanks, I've seen that one before but had forgot all about it.
I like the idea of riding the ridge road from Sugarloaf and if there was a return trail looping back the start that would be great.
The spot I was looking at near Karuah I have discovered is Wallaroo National Park and the adjacent Wallaroo State Forest.
Been talking to NPWS about Wallaroo over the last few weeks.
All looking positive to be legitimized. I don't know the area that well, but from the maps the NPWS gave me, the management system is quiet extensive.
I was looking at all this firetrail when I was driving the other day. Looks like a great ride, all the pain of an enduro without the entry fee, which obviously I could spend on steak afterwards!
Literally at the moment
I've been putting this together while the rain persists down.
I've only really explored the parts where you can see my notes. West of Nine Mile Rd I have not been at all and I have seen a limited amount of the NW (but can recommend the climb up Thunderbolts Trail as a good challenge).
Blue indicates a localised issue where you might be able to ride it but in most cases you will need to hike around the problem.
Red is (IMO) bad enough so I have written the trail off as tedious and not worth the effort. It as been particularly wet recently though so some of these areas might improve.
There is plenty more water, ruts and mud but I've only shown the major issues - the rest you should be able to ride.
The black line is a route that avoids most of the bad bits and takes in what I reckon is the more interesting bits of trail. Ridden anticlockwise (only because there is a very steep pinch on one side of the 'pimple' just after crossing the Bucketts Way) . Around 45km.
I am working on putting together a 50km loop through the western section that joins onto this.
Thats brilliant, I have been looking at maps translating directions into possible routes and now....hheh all I have to do is ride.
What great way for you to spend a wet arvie! Thnkx
No problem, hope it helps.
The rain kept coming so I added some more stuff. One of the maps I have has a lot of the waterways marked on it - now I understand why some trails are so bad, they are pretty much routed up creeks.
I had my suspicions about the mud over near Karuah (overflow from a small weir) when I saw the signs saying not to get any of the water on you - can now confirm that you need to pick your way through this area carefully.....pity, because it looks like the only way through.
Please let me know any feedback it you come across something (either diabolical or good) - all useful for figuring out which bits to ride
I realised cabin fever had set in when I started tracing out buildings.
I just worked out what the water at Karuah is bleuch...Will let you know how I go probably won't get out there for a week or so -have the Scott next weekend....will def feedback tho.
It doesn't smell or anything, and I've been to places where they claim their discharge is better then what goes into the drinking water, but still not keen to splash around in it too much.....
-Better than some toxic mine tailing ooze... a few fecal chloroforms never hurt hurt anyone.(well there was that one time, when everyone got cholera
Hey I was going to ask, do you drive out? Where do you park?
Now my cabin fever consisted of trying to find other peoples maps...
heres the results -which you may have already seen.
The south of Catherine Hill bay stuff here
West Wallaroo here
If you go into forum archives, there should be a map for the ride, which we have done from Caves beach to Catherine Hill Bay and over to Murray's beach.
Here is Jaseh's map. For some reason it doesn't go back to the start, but you get the idea.
kall, I drive up and park at the end of Wattle Tree Rd, like it better than the rest stop because it feels a bit more out of the way.
Cool thank you Browny for the parking and other info...
Macr, I think that looks a bit like a ride the Newy coggettes went on not so long ago, they said it was good.
I'm continuing to update my map as I ride more of the area.
I've basically ridden all the major trails I can find except for a strip around the NW corner.
Haven't yet explored all the little off shoots (suspect mostly dead ends).
Cause the battery went flat! That was with the eTrex which wasn't that great at anything.
Stoopid eTrex.
I do a fair bit of riding in sugarloaf wakefeild,killingworth,Hawkemount mainly the fire trails good when we have had heeps of rain it keeps the legs turning.
I don't get where your "black line" is, have been looking to try and see the clockwise loop....
Going out there this week so if you can be bothered picking it out I'd be deeply greatful.
Sorry, been messing around with the maps.
This one shows the 100k loop I have mapped out.
That's a lot of work... do you have a KML or similar that you'd like to share on this site?
I mean, we have a system that allows a trails area to be documented with each individual track listed and edited over time as it changes. Copy/paste trails from a KML opened in Google Earth is the easiest way to go about this is all.
Have a look at the global page about this if you don't know what I mean:
Good call, Robin. A KML version would be very handy to keep on a database.
After much ado and diversions I finally go out there for a ride yesterday, nice.
Did the Balickera side of 9 mile, as I forgot the map and this was the side I had looked at the most.
The map is good I could work out where I was enough to refind my car from just having looked at it...another go next week map in clammy hand!
Its a good ride, although I did nearly get run down by a deer, there is some nice s.t coming off one of the hills and I like the loose climbs.
Keen for another go.
Thanks again.
I've been playing some more with the mapping and now using a program called Maperitive which gives me full control over what and how everything renders.
The map in my previous post showing the loops I've put together is my latest for WNR.
This can also generate a Google Earth overlay, for example, this shows WNR and with the climb up Thunderbolts Trail in the background.