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leave only your tracks behind

Hi all just got back from a wicked Ox falls shuttle run then down to Deep creek early spring morning before the heat awesome except for one small thing , has anyone noticed how much rubbish is being left up at the trailhead ? Redbull cans Gatoraid bottles energy bar rappers etc etc , It cant just be a small group that is doing this , there is just too much crap left up there.
Its not bad enough for the residence to be confronted with bad parking and large groups of riders every weekend but all this rubbish sucks.
Lets start doing something about this before the residence complain and we loose this great trail area.
Dont leave your rubbish and better yet pick some up take it home and put in the re-cycle bins at home .
I keep a plastic bag in the back of my car for this reason , if you have to take a quick piss in the bush you will see what Im talking about , and most of it is visable from the parking area . Or should we organise a nobmob on clean up australia day , its a ways off I think in March.
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Good idea Dez, no need to wait till then, pick a date
How about we get a day that coincides with a ride date at Oxford falls so we can kill two birds so to speak , we could call it the "clean up ride" or something naff like that ,get everyone together do a good deed then maybe a couple of DH shuttles and an XC to get more bums on seats hense more trash pickers . The last one organized by GAZZA was a great success , maybe even call it the annual "Gazza armless pick up day"
Open to suggestion's on dates and name for it from all , one that dosn't clash with other rides would be good
great idea dez. this maybe needs posting on farkin. although it'll get blasted by a few dick heads it might also reach to some of the more sensible guys and girls on that forum that use oxford falls on a regular basis. ill be there to help although ill need one of those mechanical grabbers that the council litter guys use and wont be able to pick up anything heavier than a chip packet!
You are correct that any complaints would include the litter issue as proof that mtbers are not worthy of having rights to use the area, your clean up will also improve everybodies experience of the place.
One of my pet hates is litter being out in the bush/trails and I usually bring a small amount out with me, with each visit, otherwise you keep seeing the same litter with each visit.
Looking at the ride calendar this seems to be the only day without any activity , unfortunatly I will be working that afternoon so a ride probably will be out for me but I am still keen to get up there anyway to start a clean out. If there is anyone else that could make it that day show some interest with a reply and if it looks like I won't be up there by myself I will post it on the calendar.
check your dates there dez?
Do you mean October?
Me and Dad have always had the well known philosophy over the years of camping etc to leave the place cleaner than it started. There's nothing worse than going out for what many of us see as our escape from urban routine to be confronted with unnatural crap. I personally rekon throwing apple cores and crusts of sandwhiches into the bushes is ok (as long as its not a choking hazzard or poisonous etc) as it will decompose, give back nutrients to the soil or even provide food for a small animal or bird to peck at though its just the plastic etc that gets to me. I really don't see how its that hard to just pocket your rubbish...
yeah October thanks Gaz
Posted up the clean up/ride for that Sunday hope there will be some interest if not I will do it myself.
i manage to keep all my rubbish in my backpack but then forget to take it out! Are we riding as well as cleaning because if so Gaz will be lonely - anyone want to walk with him?!! I can if you like George, we can take the dogs too...
now, not to enhance my sorry reptuation but can we have a drink afterwards at the top where we park to celebrate our community mindness? hee hee
Great post Dez should be the attitude on all trails as with the increase in traffic we're starting to see energy bar wrappers and sachets on most trails now. I'm doing the Spring Cycle in the morning 21/10 but happy to help in the arvo.
Good stuff guys. I would definitely be there but I am not in Sydney on the 21st.
Good work.
Absolutely agree. The residents are very very patient with the obvious impact so the least we can do is make an effort to keep the place clean and tidy. I'll aim to be there.
The various discussions on the forum about MTB'ers being welcomed, areas to ride and so on directly relates to the impact we make on the areas. It should be a no brainer to be respectful to residents at 7 or 8am and to take out what you bring in and so on. However there are clearly riders with no brains.
The trash at the events I have been to is appalling and frankly, more effort should be made to enforce the polluting rules. Disqualification, suspension from future events etc...
These minorities will ruin it for the majority (as usual) so efforts like this will only enhance our reputation and hopefully become more common amongst our peers which will ultimately lead to cooperation and favourable results with the various authorities.