You are hereCalendar / Big BBQ Dh + Xc Day @ Ourimbah *note changed to the 20th
Big BBQ Dh + Xc Day @ Ourimbah *note changed to the 20th

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Enter via Red Hill Rd, Ourimbah State Forest. On your right will be 'TreeTops' for the kids and it's large-ish carpark. Carry on past there and the first small clearing which is were parking used to be, and is where the 'Browns' single track turns (you might see riders on your left here). Please do not park in this car park.
Parking and official trail head is now designated a further 350m or so up the road where there is a larger area. There's a CCOMTB notice board here by the trail entrance (on the left as you drive up the hill). Park up nose to curb or as directed.
Big days of shuttles, pedalling and meat taking up a couple of bbq's and having a nice long day out at ourimbah- should be excellent times, all welcome just a fun day out! I will be supplying meat through work, but will need exact numbers confirmed at least 3 days prior so we can work out how much we will need- any suggestions welcome, vego's let me know too! ill check back later to confirm food and costs,
Cheers, Alex

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Hiya Alex,
Are you changing the date to the 20th?
sorry yeh got confused there for a mo haha
I'm in for the 20th
Sounds great Alex, i'm definitely in. I may also have other mates joining if thats cool - i will let you know once they confirm.
Looks like I will be out for the BBQ action the boss is going away that week and putting me in charge so I maybe have enough time to come up for a quick ride but will have to leave early . bugger !!! so don't cater for me no bovine goodness for me , im so p#ssed off was looking forward to the social apre ride thing .
pisser mate, im sure there wil be a next time though
Friend of starship303 says, I'm in.
oh the torture of not being able to go to these.... damn you hsc!
Okay, apart from GavYo i have 3 extra mates who have confirmed they are coming for the ride, 2 of which will be there for the BBQ.
Looking forward to it.
ok so were looking at about 10 people so far..deadline for numbers for the actual bbq will be thurs, as i have to order food thurs everyone in for the downhilling or are some just xc ing? reason being, im contemplating ute/van hire for shuttling..depending on how many shuttle vehicles we will have...we shall see..:)food at this stage i think we all want to keep fast and simple, so a sausage sizzle seems the best bet in my opinion...anyone for steaks or lamb chops or something too? just so i get an idea...salads are a bit whatever i think, unless there are some vegos coming? meat and carbs sound the go! any suggestions welcome..
This sounds like a ripper Alex...looking forward to it. I for one will be there mainly for XC i think, but i'll see if the DH is okay to give a nudge with my hardtail. I'm not fussy about food...sanga + bread + onion + sauce = meal in my world. Let us know if there's any things we could bring to help (bread, drinks, byo plates?) See you there.
Just wondering weither there is room for 2, or even 3, including me, from Sydney Chatswood/Roseville area? Wondering weither if you are doing shuttles, are any shuttle bus's driver's coming from Sydney or anyone who is able to give a lift to me, and if room another 2 or one?
I am asking for a lift there and back, and also just checking there will be shuttles and a bbq there on the day? and how much would it all be? I would be doing dh only, I have raced a few times at ourimbah, would be more than happy to take a few newbies or people down who haven't done much dh or ourimbah before and give adivce ect. I hope to come and yer, Im new to this Nobmob thing so yer.
Thanks Ben
potential disaster! snapped my derailleur hanger last weekend, and looking ify for getting a new one before the weekend..depends on whether the local trek distributor has them, should know me to get the only bike its blooooody hard to find a replacement hanger for! fingers crossed..only alternative single speed, but dubious..anyone know anyone with a session 77, smash em and steal their hanger for me? lol (except gilbo hehe)
-trouble, my car will be full unfortunantly mate..assuming i make it at all *grumble*
what a biarch!
usually the dealer wil keep a couple on hand. If you can't get one there go to derailuer - you wont have it in time for the w/e though. good luck
I also suffered damage last ride ,snapped my crank arm on the new ladder at Bahai did a little pedal grind on the way down oops and pulled a hamy to add insult to injury , waiting on T7 to deliver today hopefully.
Hay Alex picked up something you should look into on UKebay the other day , a hanger protector it was cheap as made of steel , it bolts on to the axle and is a gaurd that protects the whole derailleur from impact it drops down around the whole area only cost $9.00 bit old school but after bending three hangers and snapping two derailleurs, I had to do something Ill take a photo of it if you want a look.
just posted a couple of images of it:
[image:3265] [image:3266]
yeh derailleur hangers .com dont have a session hanger would you believe, and nor does anyone else on the net! just have to play the waiting game hopefully will hear today from trek...
dez, looks good mate, but not sure if it would have prevented my issue, as a stick went up the chain and snapped the derailleur hanger when it hit the jockey wheel...damn derailleurs!
p.s. -well just heard back, %90 they have a couple so fingers crossed ill know this arvo
i think ill get both haha
You could always buy a rohloff speedhub LOL
well just heard "should" have me hanger tomorrow so fingers crossed, im in anyways though screw it 1 gear or 9 hehe
Great timing Alex!
Fingers and toes crossed for you, but if somehow the hanger doesn't come through i have a spare trail dually that i'm more than happy to lend you for the day (its this Santa Cruz Tazmon, med size, ~11-11.5kg, uber stiff single pivot design, 3" travel front and back) least you can still ride if your hanger doesn't arrive (its an absolute sniggle-ripper too, more so than my Intense actually!...perhaps not great for shuttle runs tho).
Anyway let me know as soon as you can (will probably throw wider risers on for you, i've also got a shorter 50mm stem for a more fun geo which i can bring too).
BTW regarding food numbers, mine are unchanged from my last post (ie; me + 2 extra mates for food).
awesome dude thanks heaps
ill know this arvo if it has come in, ill be picking it up tomorrow anyway, so it should be in by then...but if it doesnt come in, i might take you up on that for an xc run or 2, and set my rig to single speed on a high gear for downhill runs...
thanx again thats awesome
food ill be checking before i go to work in an hour or so for final estimating about 10-15 people at about 2-3 sausages a piece should cover it..anyone thinking theyll be eating a dozen or so to themselves speak up now! lol
only help i may need is if people can bring a bit of extra drink? i only have yay much cold storage in my esky so couldnt hurt if everyone brings a bit...erm do we want beer?
(not much obviously as well all be driving but 1 or 2 couldnt hurt eh?)
just heard, it's in! im as happy as a boy who thought a cat had just done its business on his pie, but it turned out to be an extra large blackberry
*gilbo be warned, there was only 1 left (in oz it seems) and it was $ ill try and get them to order more from the u.s. as if we snap it its all over for a while!!
Good to hear Alex, ....but $80?!! Damn! You wouldn't want to be snapping those on a regular basis.
As for liquid perhaps everyone can bring their own choice of bevy, and a beer or two is a top idea (i've already got a couple cooling in the fridge in preperation actually).
BTW is bread going to be supplied with the snags? Sauce?
yeh ill get bread, sauce, snags and some pre-caremelised onions
maybe a bit of salad, and some paper plates, and garbage bags.. price ill know tonight, but wont be much i imagine..anyone thinks of anything else, bring it along
nate you need gas or whatever for the bbq? tongs etc..oil? let me know? cheers...
lucky with that hanger alex, can't imagine sitting this one out! I might order a spare for the DH bike.
I'll look after gas and the bbq and I'll bring tongs etc. Sounds like a few extra bikes and bods to shuttle up, we could have two groups and take turns in the hot seat or look at the second vechile option?...or we just make it up as we go!
-just had a thought..if anyone has a suitable camera, wouldn't hurt to throw it in.
I might come with 3-4 people,but we're not 100% sure, we wouldn't use the bbq, unless there's extra andwe would pay,but Im just cheking is shuttles provided? or own shuttles? if provided how much?
Just to clarify about the 'shuttle' we're just using our own vehicles to do some Dh runs. My ute fits seven bikes so it's been fine with smaller groups. Everyone is more than welcome to join us on Saturday, it will be awsome. We'll just have to use additional vehicles to get everyone up the hill.
So please come up for the day if you can, maybe consider hiring/borrowing a trailer or ute for the day?
cheers, nate
I have one of those old style bike racks, can fit 3 on the back ( Maybe only 2 heavy freeride/DH bikes
) and can probably stack a bike or two in the back of the Xtrail as well, possibly 3 if i only have to take 2 people in the car, so that's another option if we have lots of people. Can't wait to use the new bike on the DH - might actually get down in under 6 mins...
Although hiring a ute from Wyong/Wyee/Gosford would probably be the way to get a bit more capacity and you'd only need it for a couple of hours of shuttling really.
couple of hours? hehe try several lol ok maybe we need a show of hands for downhilling, asap, as i think there are going to be a few xc only peeps, im happy to take turns, but if there are too many for nates ute maybe a hire would be an option, ill look into it...i think we want to get as many runs in as poss for this one!
ok looked into it, theres a ute/van/truck hire place just down the road from ourimbah
be looking at about $50-90 for a day by the look of it, ill call them tomorrow to confirm.. is everyone into this? im happy to put in a bit extra anyways...
oh as for food, at this stage i dont think it'll be any more than about $5-ish each, for any wondering.. i'll confirm on the day though..
alrighty hired a ute, is $50 for the day, and have it till 4pm
...can someone please bring some of those elestiky hook tie thingos whatever there called if poss? hehe cheers
Do you mean oaky strap? And if thats it I will bring about 2-3, as many as I can find. And just to confirm, If we come we will put in the $5-10 that you guys need for the ute, and food. There will be 4 of us, but we are only 80% sure we are going, I will reply tonight telling you if we are def. going. Cant wait, I wil also bring some radios' and stop watches to do some timed runs in the arvo? anyone else like this idea?
Hope to see you all out there, Ben
Yer confirmed, we will definatly be there, 3 doing dh with the shuttles.... and one Dad doing xc. Cant wait,
Hey if you ever want to take my van, a case of beer or two in the back when you return it might be sufficient.

Hey Alex that sounds like a pretty fair price for the day ute hire...I pay almost double that when i hire 'em for work...where d'you get that? (or is it just because i'm paying under25 prices?)
not sure why, possibly under 25 issue? but its gosfordrentatruck..just down the road from ourimbah which was why i liked it.. 50 for the day, then they got vans and trucks too...
, we should have enough room for all the downhillers at a squeeze ! cyall then then!
trouble, yeh no worries mate see you then timed runs would be a bit of a laugh. hopefully with the hire ute, and nate
oh craigs, cheers mate sounds good maybe next time!
greetings all,
Just want to say thanks again to all the organizers of the day. I had a brilliant time running my VPFree on a Downhill course for the first time.
Also on the day I helped one of the guys out by selling him my spare inner tube half way down the downhill. Today I went and bought a replacement and found out that I grossly over estimated the how much it was worth.
If your the guy I sold the tube too or know the person I sold the tube, please let me know how to get in contact with him so that I can given them back the difference. It's only $12.50, but I knew Karma was trying to tell me something when I concussed myself on the second run of the downhill.
Anyway, looking forward to the next Ourimbah trip.
I concur with Gav, top day out. Thanks to Alex for the organisation and Nate for the BBQ and use of his ute. Bummer about the hire ute not actually being where you'd expected it to be, but it worked out okay in the end i guess.
Hey, that was me witht he tube, keep it, it's all good. I used the old tube to make up a chainstay guard. I blew my front tube on Sunday as well over some glass at RNP!
Was a good day, need to get my endurance up so i can hit the DH all day!
Thanks DJR,
If it's consolation, I'll be putting it towards a full face helmet.
no worries thanks all for coming was a great day
- still cant believe how nobby someone must be to have a site like this
and close down the wyong one, keep the number, not let someone know when they book under that number, and do nothing about their mistake! oh well, yeh worked out fine in the end luckily, thanx again nate! nice welding job
well i've got a few pics from the Ourimbah ride day so i will create a specific ride gallery soon (anyone else have any feel free to add it to the gallery when its created) but for now here are two short video's from the day (thanks to Sean)...
'DJR on Jurassic Park dip' video
'nate hitting drop' video
Hi guys... you can slap your pics in the gallery here:
Just remember to pick the right one on the drop down when submitting images of course
Thanks Rob.
Okay, I've placed some pics in the ride gallery that Rob created (link above).
Photo's are courtesy of Sean and Gav.
I'm hoping people can add to it, but its often the case that everyone is too busy enjoying the riding to actually remember to take pics.
Thanks for the cool vids and pics Will!
You've inspired me to make the extra effort next time, I wish I had some to add.
good day all round, keen to do it all again in a few weeks!!
thanks all, nate
What a top day of DH and BBQ. Looking forward to the next one!
Just posted a couple of the pics I took on the day,
Gilbo... where'd you put them?