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Manly Dam nobs

Ok, so I am doing a hot-lap of Manly Dam yesterday (I'm not quick but just looking to get under 40mins) and I come across 2 guys riding slowly talking who kindly invited me to pass them. However when I did they decided to race me down the back end of the Dam, both overtaking me before slowing down again when they got in front...nobs. One wearing boots riding with his heals on the pedals...sad I know that even in that get up he got in front of me.
Is there some sort of MTB ethics in existence like there is surfing? I'm not a stickler for rules, but these guys were about my age (40) and just nobs. There was no need for any of that. I normally just make way for anyone going faster than me and let them do their thing. Comments anyone?
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No need for ethics.... If they waved you by then why race to overtake then slow down again. Sounds like tools to me!
As in, having just passed you, you dryly congratulate them: "Well done, guys, you've just won the Ego 500."
Happens quite often on my commute, where it's called "Commuter Cup Racing". However, slacking offf once you've passed them is poor form. To truly win at CCR you have to disappear into the distance.
Commuter Cup Racing!
Ha ha ha I've never heard it called that before.
It's something I like to compete in, especially if I do a lap of centennial park on the way home.
Yup, if you're going to commit to and pass another rider, then follow it up by disappearing up the road/hill etc.
(I ended up playing Leap Frog with a roadie this morning)
Nothing like that feeling of wheel sucking an old bloke on a tourer for the climb of the bridge then pulling out and blowing his doors off at the start of the descent
My bus was heaps quick this morning. We burned past heaps of other buses
I think I passed you...
Gotta love the CC and the KOM section up Parrawi in the morning.. awesome sprint training
Some like the optional "survival" (or darwin award) stages:
1- mixing it with traffic on spit road.
2- inside gutter crawl to the font of the line of cars that just tried to kill you when they overtook you a couple minutes before..
3- the red light run.
I was wondering who that cheeky bugger was, declining to take a turn at the front!
... but these blokes were around for MASH and The Goodies.