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andyfev's picture

By andyfev - Posted on 21 September 2011

18 Sep 11

Only ridden here a few times and dig the course. Thought someone should create a Hot Lap Challenge entry for it. Here's my first offering, a time that will soon be sitting close to the ‘not so pointy end’ once other whippets lodge their times Eye-wink

Split time one was my lap of the red loop. The Garmin only claims around 10km distance but I think it gets a little lost in the bushes!

andyfev's picture

Anyone know why this doesn't have a title even though I created a Hot Lap Challenge and titled it Awaba State Forest - Red Loop? It doesn't show up in the hot laps section either

Brian's picture

One thing is you need to make the garmin profile public. I think you must have posted the hot lap in another section?

andyfev's picture

No idea where it is listed as I went through the correct method...



Hot Lap Challenge

Added it to the data base

Don't know what went wrong!

Rob's picture

You had to wait for the mod Eye-wink

andyfev's picture

What's a 'mod'? I'm quite dumb when it comes to internet pages etc...

ChopStiR's picture

Moderator (similar to administrator)

Challanges, Track database, photos, etc get checked by a Mod before being published.

andyfev's picture

Cheers for the heads up! I've just created a blue loop challenge too. I did the yellow loop as well but I'm quite certain I managed to get lost on this lap so I'll have to wait until I return there again.

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