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Warm up

Brian's picture

By Brian - Posted on 25 September 2011

24 Sep 11

On the 29er. Just a warm up lap but will keep a log of my times in preparation for taking the pot in 8 weeks time Sticking out tongue

Lap 1

Dicko's picture

I reckon the way Craig rails singe track / downhill we will need sub 40 to take the pot.

God help us if he gets access to a new bike !

Jos is no slouch either.

as always hills is where the time is going to come from.

andyfev's picture

At that pace your warm-up lap smashes my not so warm-up lap! Well played, sir Eye-wink

Brian's picture

What's this mention of Craig and a new bike, this changes everything.

Right, after pizza tonight its a strict diet for me Smiling

While we'll all be going all out to take the fastest lap we mustn't lose focus of the main goal of beating the pony club Sticking out tongue

craked's picture

No new bike guys ,unless someone lends me one ,I'll be lucky to have a roof over my head.

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