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Feeling Tired

Brian's picture

By Brian - Posted on 25 September 2011

24 Sep 11

On the 29er. 2nd lap of the day. Feeling really tired from the start and ended up sleeping for 11 hours after this so I think my body was telling me something Smiling

Lap 2

Black Flash's picture

Thats probably why that damn tree took advantage of me and just jumped out to collect me...
Nice time. I found i went much faster after a 10 min rest after the warm up... That and the fact i was (a) racing mates doing the shorter loop, (b) racing a shop rider behind me. Nothing like motivation!
Did you ride by yourself?

Brian's picture

Yeah this was a solo ride. I had the time and leave pass to do more but just exhausted. I'll be heading back soon. I was semi planning on Wednesday but this rain has put a stop to that.

Black Flash's picture

Ive got family from Perth arriving in 3 days. Was hoping to take them around some of the trails...

ps's picture

I will have to go back some time soon and find 3 seconds somewhere.

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