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A good ride

Hoping for sub 3 hours but not unhappy with the result.
A messy start with the self seeding very curious and I blew too much energy trying to find a good wheel. When things settled down I had a brilliant run sitting on the wheel of some strong riders.
The Gu stage started well and I was enjoying being on the bike. Very pleased that I was out cornering and descending other riders, and enjoyed the single track sections. This is a new experience for me (that is the out descending part, not the enjoying part).
Things came unstuck about 40 km. I never have a problem with cramps, but then I had always read the magazines and faithfully consumed high tech electrolyte products. This time I just thought I would stick with gatorade, more by accident than planning. At close to 40 km I was getting a few twinges, but this developed into every muscle I ever knew about and a few others cramping up. It never completely stopped me, and it was ok when I was riding. It was the dismounts that were the problem.
So basically I limped through the last 10 km - which was actually 19 km since it was apparently a 59 km race.
No matter how much fun you are having keep drinking and eating. Don't buy your electrolytes at Coles (NutriScience products are my choice at the moment).
Looking forward to the next event! Maybe life will be less complicated in the run up to the next one and I can do a proper peak and taper.
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I found out last year how bad things can get when your nutrition is not good and I found this year how well things can go. I passed a lot of half flingers cramping up about 20 kms out, seemed to be a pretty common theme out there amongst the rocks.