2011 Fling - nobmobbers everywhere

Overall another well run event by Wild Horizons. I guess the support from the Bundanoon village makes it seem special.
Suffered badly with cramps in this race last year so was hopping for a trouble free race and an hours improvement for a finish time around 5:30. Had taken a different training approach in the lead up so was also keen to see how that worked out on the day.
Got to the race start, did a short warmup and lined up next to Fatboy about 70 back from the line. Felt OK in the early stages and just concentrated on staying out of the wind as much as possible. The speed was ok and Gazza was nearby on his red CX bike. Got through the water crossings without being held up and cruised through to the transition. Doc and Brian caught me just before transition and we went into transition together.
Found that I was catching people through the Wingello single track so decided to take it easy and work with the group on the fire trails. Saw Brian a few times in Wingello until he stopped right in front of me to pull a stick out of his rear derailure.
The pace was still good and I passed Doc while he stopped for a Banana at the feed station. Caught Gazza again and rode with him for a while. He was going really well through the fire trail downhills although was having to get out of the saddle on the climbs. We talked for a while and then Doc caught us and he wanted to push on so I rode with him for a while until he pulled away.
Heard the KOM motorcycle filming the elites as I went past the KOM sign so guess they were not that far behind me. Took a while to find some people to work with on the road back into transition but got into transition feeling OK.
Was still on track for 5:30 finish and kept up the eating and drinking. Doc caught me while I was wheel sucking just after transition then he jumped on another wheel when they went past. I was starting to get nervous about cramps so took it easy. Enjoyed this section this year and rode roller coaster and the grassy hill pretty easily.
There were lots of 50k riders struggling with the single track although they did move out of the way if you asked nicely. I did see a few falls so suspect its a tough course for the novice 50k riders if their not used to rocks and sniggle.
Ended up taking a bit longer than expected on the last loop so combined with a few lazy transitions finished in 5:40. Happy with the time as its 55 minutes faster than last year.
Great to see so many nobmobbers having good days and posting quick times.
Definitely saw more familiar faces on the track for this one. Well done for taking of 55 minutes from last year. Soon social rides will have an average of 20+km/h
Nice ride mate, tell me can you see into the future as well!
No, the only future I can see is super masters for me next year although Steve 01 seems to be making that category harder
Also not sure that having a race plan for this event actually helped me.
Another top ride Paul. I know you set a good pace so it was good to swap positions and encouragement at many spots along the way. And.....bananas are the best !
Nice one Paul, great to hear of another nobmobber having a good day out. I will have to try to learn to find all you guys on the start line, it would be good to begin riding with a few familiar faces.
Hey Paul, you must be really looking forward to super masters as you've titled your blog as 2012.
Great ride ps. I stuck with you for about 2km then made myself slow down & stick to my race plan. What helped that decision is the fact I felt I had both jets going to keep up and knew I couldn't keep going at that pace.
Good thing you didn't leave your car keys with Liz. You'd probably still be out there looking for her!
If you had stayed with me for about 2 more km you would have been able to either ride over me while I lay on the middle of the track or stop and laugh while I blocked half the track. I am guessing you would have stopped but always good to find out first hand.
Stop? Sounds more like the perfect opportunity to piss myself laughing and squirt my drink at you as I ride by