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First ride back = wobbly

hawkeye's picture

By hawkeye - Posted on 20 November 2011

Re: This ride meeting: 
Kiwarrak o'nighter: Le Tour de Force!

First ride after breaking the collarbone. Was just a short ride mainly on the footpath from home to the gym to do some leg work and try to keep the core strength up while off the bike. But I couldn't help myself, and took a couple of little bush trail short cuts. Eye-wink

Won't be venturing off-road in a serious capacity any time in the next six weeks I reckon. Apart from my feeling bloody wobbly and not exactly planted on the bike in the tight corners and leaf litter, the collarbone said "hello" a few times just to let me know not to stray any closer to its current limits. Probably wasn't helped by doing the vacuuming for the missus in the morning. Eye-wink

No harm done, but looks like another couple of weeks at least before I venture onto the road, let alone the dirt. Sad

andyfev's picture

Great to hear you're back on the bike mate. Hopefully you'll be smashing the trails soon enough Eye-wink

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