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The Oaks Maintenence Day?

So... we met a ranger just as we were finishing The Oaks yesterday. Right after the technical section of the sniggle that leads back to the road.
We had a small chat and the ranger was saying how they know that part of the trail is getting quiet badly eroded and needs some work. Apparently there's a new staff member coming along in the next couple of weeks who will be looking after this. I told the dude about and have spoken to Terracare.
Each park has their own rules, etc. regarding what work can be done and how this is organised. Clearly there is the desire to help keep the trail in good shape and I'm sure there would be volunteers for a trail day there. Will ask around about who could co-ordinate this and see what happens.
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Is it just me or is the Oaks the most over rated ride in the Mts if not the country?
Yeah, there are some interesting bits before the helipad. Then you get 12km of straight fireroad, fun in a train of 10 or so nose to tail going flat maggot, once, but a bit Meh otherwise... Then the single track...
What was once swooping, twisty sniggle hidden in dense undergrowth got burnt out and then straight-lined by lazy gits who didn't have the skill or want to maintain their rhythm through the corners and so just went straight, maybe it gave them a better finish time?
Of course with the amount of traffic it now gets, up and down, those blind corners probably wouldn't suit any more, people already whinge about folk going the "wrong way".
I only ever rode it once before the fires and even then thought it was a lot of fire road for the Sniggle offered. Each time since the dumbing down I've got halfway through the Single track and thought, why did I bother.
But anyhoo, the best bet is to talk either TERRACARE or WSMTB. Maybe NP would be willing to let them organise a few official maintenance days
I entirely agree, it's great if you've never ridden an MTB before but that's about it.
And every time I hear somebody say "you're going the wrong way" I feel the need to engage in physical education...
First off, it doesn't matter if you like this trail or not - that's not what the tread is about.
What the thread is about is saying there is a trail, that lots of people clearly like. If you are not one of them that's your choice... move along.
If you do like it then all I was saying is there might be plans afoot to keep it in shape.
Man... there's too much negativity about, take it elsewhere people.
A Poll on most overrated trail? It is the season for odious negative polls ;-}
Everyone's entitled to their opinion, even non-cyclists, they're just not entitled to be right!
PS - There are plenty of opportunities for trail maintenance already on some very popular trails but I've not seen another NobMobber at the ones I've attended other than Dreggsy and Rob Parbery, even when they're posted here. Perhaps we should start a poll of which trails people would be happy to regularly get along to to maintain, partly to encourage us to up our game a bit, and then take the results to Terracare if they're good enough to warrant it depending on the response.