You are hereNoBMoB now over 2 years old!

NoBMoB now over 2 years old!

Justin's picture

By Justin - Posted on 18 October 2007

The 'new' site is now over 2 years old!

3 cheers for Robin's amazing efforts over the last couple of years, and also to the NoBMoBbers old and new who have made this site what it is.

Some statistics:
- 3,103 posts
- 7-800,000 hits per month (growing by about 10% every month)
- 633 users!

Also - there are nearly 2,000 images on this site!

p.s. How old IS NoBMoB? we had a website for a couple of years running from my personal Internet account, and probably a year before that without a site. So it's closer to NoBMoB's 5th anniversary!!!

Buck's picture

Been here for just over a year and the site is just getting better and better. Great work Rob!


pikey's picture

Hello Justin, good to hear from you and that you’re still kicking. The new web site 2 years old wow I must then be, roughly, a 2.5 year member and since meeting all the friendly nobmobers my house extensions are still not finished and the wife hates my guts (just kidding).

Hats off to Rob and the excellent job he does, not only in producing the best mountain bike website in Sydney (if not the world) but also to his commitment to the sport through land management issues, his liaising with Manly Dam Rangers notifying us of trail closures, his excellent use of GPS mapping of our rides on Google Earth and his excellent motivational skills, especially on the cold mid winter rides.

NoBMoB has taken on a life of its own, just look at how full the calendar is, I can’t find a spare weekend to spend with my family Eye-wink

Thanks Rob & all for such a good like minded group of riders and friends.


Paul's picture

Ditto Greg's comments - your efforts are appreciated as is your voice of responsibility on issues like trail access, etc.

Well done

Alex's picture

yeh cheers nobmob! my riding interest has shot through the roof since hooking up!, and ive met heaps of nice people and found heaps of good trails and events to check out Smiling keep it up!

GAZZA's picture

shame about yer face! Eye-wink

ar_junkie's picture

Ah Gaz... the wizard with words... Eye-wink

Just to echo the above sentiments, I too stumbled across the site well surfing the net... (and no, it wasn't gutter related)
NoBMoB became an oracle for all things MTB and enabled me to meet so many wonderful & like-minded ppl...

Even though there may be times when you may think your efforts aren't appreciated Rob, trust me, I don't think there is anybody out there that could deny the amount of work you pour into this site & MTB generally. I, and I'm sure many others, am/are truly grateful for what you have created and maintain.

Now when are you going to embrace a road component?

Stuart M's picture

he still hasn't yet got out and embraced those new lights he built a couple of weeks ago and he has got himself a commuter so does that count for something? Eye-wink

Rob's picture

Ah.... stop it guys... Sticking out tongue

craigs's picture

Some kudos must surely be due to Justin and the early NOBMOBers.
I stumbled onto these guys probably 5 years ago looking for a ride on the North Side after a year back on the bike and learning to ride again in the RNP.
Bunch of guys that were into mountain bikes, skiing and drinking... perfect.
If it werent for those early noob rides.... I'd probably have a whole lot more money in the bank and a lot more skin(maybe a wife too but I dont think thats why she left?) but would be so much poorer without it (hang on the ex wife made me poor).
Still annoyed I didnt pull my finger out and register to the new site sooner to be a "single digit" member.
Cheers All
Craig (12)

Stuart M's picture

You pipped me by 2

Stuart M (14)

sensai_miagi's picture

Yeah I want to give Rob a pat on the back as well. It's an excellent site that makes it work. I've only been on two/three NM rides but i'm already planning to quit surfing, blow some cash on a better bike and start attending many more rides. I was astounded at how friendly everyone is straight off the bat. Cheers Rob, great work.

groache's picture

actually Justin told a white lie it was my bloody account and yes i wore the cost of it for the first three years. So glad to see it doing well, Robin you have undoubtably taken nobmob to a new level. well done.

well if you didnt all know the original nobmobers are now into hike mode, Justin and I will be doing the overland track in March with another 16 people. Had to laugh the other day Justin and I were hiking through the cascades and two riders stopped to chat and said hey you should get into riding, we said we do and then then they said yeh and you should check out this group and website called nobmob. we said oh yeh, sounds like a strange name.

Best regards to and thanks for the aknoledgement from Craig . Regards to Greg.

see you out on the tracks.

Gavin Roache

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