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Petition AGAINST proposed MTB tracks in Garigal NP

Just as a FYI, about an hour ago I popped in to the Forestville shops on my way further a field.
There was a lady there with a petition against the proposed MTB tracks in Garigal NP.
I didn't have much time as I had my mum waiting in the car but I stopped quickly and had a quick chat.
Her main concerns were destroying pristine native bush which had been this way for thousands of years and the fact once mountain bikes were allowed in, motorbikes would come in and create noise and be a fire hazard not to mention damage the tracks.
I did point out that as far as I was aware, motorbikes did not circulate on Manly Dam and the type of tracks I believe will created would not be suitable for motorbikes, too narrow etc.
Anyway, anyone popping in to the shops there might like to say hi.
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches Trail Advocacy]
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was she getting much traction? When she was trying to get people to sign the petition at the Garigal NP cycling policy show'n'tell organised by NPWS, the only other person I saw sign was Ken Higgs ... the crank who wants to keep us out of everything but still wants our support to stop development at Red Hill and OF.
that was at the car boot sale recently at Forestville.
Her concerns are false
1. If it was a walking track going through pristine bushland, im sure there would be no petition.
2. Motorbikes dont go on legit MTB trails as there are always MTBrs on them and whens the last time you heard of a bushfire being started by a moto
3. Yes Bushland has a very important role to play on this earth and without it life would not be possible!
The pristine bushland would still be pristine, there is just a small sustainable single trail allowing young and old alike to enjoy the bush with one of the most efficient human powered transportation devices around, the Mountain Bike!
With a MTB, not only can we appreciate the bush, but we can have fun, enjoyment, thrill, association and excersise doing so!
[Mod. 'humour' removed]
but it was earlyish and there weren't too many people around and I only chatted for around a minute. I'm pretty sure she didn't notice but I did have my cycling shorts (baggies) on and I didn't sign the petition........
There were a few names on the 2 petitions though, I'd say 5 or 6 on each.
Love the "Batteries" comment.... GOLD!
I'm about to write up a flyer for Forestville and will aim to walk to around this week and post it in as many letter boxes as possible.
Main aim will be to draw attention to the MTB strategy and explain why we believe this is a healthy, environmental sustainable, if not beneficial (keeping moto's out, being the future custodians of our National Parks, etc), and most of all fun activity.
If get something printed by tomorrow is anyone else in the area keen to letter box drop?
24hr noise,drug usage or people doing burnouts!-she is pissing in the wind without those gold statements!!!!
for my lack of taste=Rob i undrstand why you knocked this on the head-lets hope she sees the light manauly!!
Another option, agree with everything she says and offer to sign.
Then sign the petition with an obviously fake name like "The Pope, 123 Any St, The Vatican".
The whole sheet then becomes useless, because petitions with fake names have zero credibility.