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dislocated shoulder

hi guys,
had my shoulder dislocated about 10 days ago in a head on collision with a motorbike.
doctor says I might need surgery but won't find out until next week
has anyone been through this before? just trying to get a handle on how long I'll be off the bike.
the doctors are being very vage about it.
might get a roll trainer in the meantime but I saw there's another post about it already.
also, if anyone would like to recommend a physio or specialist around the eastern suburbs... please do.
the goal is to still do the capital punishment which is in about 8 weeks.
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I had a reco done on my shoulder and was out of action for 16weeks. That is 8 weeks recovery and then another 8 weeks of physio.
I would not rush it as it is better to have a fixed shoulder then a half fixed shoulder.
All the best with surgery and recovery.
I crashed at oxford falls a few years ago and fully dislocated my shoulder. It was a type 3(from memory) that could of gone either way.
I decided not to have the surgery and to let it heel on its own. I flew out to Canada 10weeks later for 3 weeks of riding.
The only trouble the shoulder gave me was on an old school DH track in Whistler called Ride dont Slide. It went downhill for over 40minutes and the shoulder got a bit sore because of the length of the track.
... how long before you got back on the bike? I mean easy training rides and stuff, or was whistler the first ride you did after 10 weeks?
Hi Stefan, the answer to your question really depends on the underlying injury to your shoulder. The shoulder is a very complex joint and dislocation can result in shoulder instability. You're best to check with your specialist if you have suffered a Bankart or Hills-Sachs Lesion. Specialist x-rays or most preferably an MRI scan can determine this. A Bankart lesion is an avulsion fracture to the (socket) rim caused by the humeral (arm) head smashing off the glenoid surface, which in turn results in a depression fracture of the humeral head (Hills-Sachs lesion).
If you have been unfortunate enough to sustain these injuries you'll most likely require surgery to fix the glenoid rim surface to prevent further shoulder instability (which = dislocations).
Recovery from ANY dislocation should be closely managed by a specialist and return to sport is subjective but usually takes a minimum of 2-3 months. If surgery is required I would expect a 6-12 month recovery before getting back on the bike. Trouble is if you return too soon it just takes one flick of the handlebars in the wrong direction and out it'll pop again!
Hope this helps and you recovery is quick
I had both Hills-Sachs and a bony Bankart Lesion. Also tore a lot of the musculature under the scapula. Crash in March, operation in May, back road riding late September and IIRC returned to the trails in late October. This with me thrashing myself every day with rehab exercises.
A lot of the delay in my recovery was following the advice of emergency department registrars instead of getting a specialist second opinion immediately. There was additional damage done when they put it back in. Would have saved me having to work my way out of Frozen Shoulder if I'd got the second opinion early.
Don't take the chance - go see the specialist so that you are not guessing.
I was in a sling for 4weeks. Then back on the bike doing road rides two weeks after the sling came off.
I got on the DH bike the week before I left for Whistler.
As has been said it really depends on your injury and how well your body heals.
I've just finished my 6 months mid December, and waiting for a good weekend to jet up to Awaba for some "gentle" riding
A lot depends on what you've done, what they do, and how well you heal. The biggest issue is if they repair it and you stuff it up before it's healed then your doing it again. I've had 2 seperate surgerys (one each side) and with out beating around the bush it sucks!! Stick to the training/physio not just after the surgery but full stop that's what lead to the second.
My Physio is Travis at Bodyaware in Manly, they have a city office at the guys there are really good. My Specialist is Dr Duckworth with Specialty Orthopedics he works out of Maquarie, SAN, and Parramatta really good guy straight shooter doesn't beat around the bush. I recomend both of them.
Last time I did it was in June spent 2 weeks off the bike before surgery and did a 5 hour ride around Stromlo the day before my surgery. I might not recomend that, when I told Duckworth in the operating theater he shook his head and the other Dr in there laughed.
After surgery:
Week 1 - get some movies, depending on how far down the rabit hole they send you your not going to be much use especially the first 2 days you'll probably sleep most of
Week 1-6 - (can be shorter depends) I hope you love your self because your hugging your self 24-7
I wasn't really allowed to do anything before month 3 and even then it was gentle
Month 3 - Gym
Month 4-5 - Road riding and swimming
Having said all that I did a number on both my shoulders.
If you get a trainer check out "The Suffer Fest" -
There's nothing wrong with multiple Dr opinions! Probably being vauge because they're probably waiting for scans/xrays/mri's the specialist is the one that really tells you what's going on.
My recomendations: buy stock in your favorite brand of beer/spirit, if you can swing it private hospital private room my apologies to any one here in public health (you guys do a great job) but it's worth it.
Good luck with it
Sorry to hear it. Although I have never suffered a dislocated shoulder, I have had enough injuries from mountain bike riding and other sports to know that as you get older, you don't heal as fast or as well as a young fella. My advice would be to bail from the racing, do the surgery, do the physio, and get as close to a full recovery as you can get. Although it would be nice to do that race, your physical health still has to last you decades.
Thank you all for taking the time and responding. really appreciate it. Very helpful to hear bike related similar stories.
Currently sitting on my MRIs and waiting for the hospital specialist to look at them which he won't do for another week. I've decided to take them to a private specialist in the meantime. The waiting for the diagnosis is killing me. If I need surgery, then so be it. Just want to get on with it....
Good news is, it looks like I've got plenty of time to order spare parts and fix the bike ...
Isn't just for girls
... on that note, anyone got an s-works epic 26er frameset that he wants to swap for a 95 Honda XR600?
it's a longshot but you never know